How to conclude distance contracts

During a country-wide lockdown, distance contracting becomes more relevant than ever. Below we summarise the most common approaches and their pitfalls.

State of emergency and its effect on employing foreigners

The state of emergency declared in the Czech Republic has brought several measures affecting not only Czech citizens, but also foreigners staying in our territory. In the previous series of articles, we informed about measures connected with the…

State of emergency – other possible implications

The government’s declaration of a state of emergency on 12 March 2020 has raised procedural doubts, and an action for its annulment has already been brought. It is thus possible that in fact, no state of emergency was formally declared, therefore no…

Validity of issued A1 certificates in the context of COVID-19 pandemic

The Czech Social Security Administration (CSSZ) has announced that migrating persons and their employers do not have to report to their local CSSZ a temporary change in circumstance (home office) in the Czech Republic or abroad.

Chamber of deputies acting under a state of legislative emergency

On 1 March 2020, a state of emergency was declared for 30 days. Along with other measures, the chamber of deputies approved the suspension of the electronic reporting of sales (ERS), deferments/waivers of social security and health insurance…

Government measures to boost employment

At its session on 19 March 2020, the government approved the first two measures aiming to provide support to employers, employees, and the self-employed affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The measures further specify carer’s allowances and an…

CNB’s measures and their implications

The Czech National Bank (CNB) has opted to decrease basic interest rates effective from 17 March 2020. From a tax perspective, the most important decrease is the lowering of the repo rate by 50 basis points to 1.75%. This rate is decisive for…

Support for businesses hit by the coronavirus outbreak

The steps taken in response to the spread of the new coronavirus will have broad economic effects on business entities. We have prepared an overview of potential support and other key measures being negotiated by the government with business…

COVID-19: tax package

The government approved a package of liberating tax measures to mitigate the impact of coronavirus pandemic.

How government restrictions on business affect employee relations

On 14 March 2020, in response to the coronavirus outbreak, the Czech Government adopted a crisis measure that, with certain exceptions, banned retail sales and the provision of services at restaurants, sports facilities, wellness centres and other…

Closure of borders - overview of adopted measures

In connection with the announcement of a state of emergency, we would like to summarise the basic restrictions for Czech citizens and foreigners permanently staying or working in the Czech Republic or planning to come to the Czech Republic.

Coronavirus – new challenge for employers

The spreading of the coronavirus infection puts companies in a difficult position. HR specialists in particular worry about how to effectively protect employees while keeping their business in operation. The situation is further complicated by the…