Tax & Legal Update
Taxpayers entitled to interest on interest
The possibility of charging interest on outstanding interest in tax disputes was subject to several conditions formulated mainly in the Supreme Administrative Court's judgment in the ERAMENT Trading case. However, the recent Constitutional Court’s…
Government approves amendment to Tax Procedure Code and deletes problematic proposals
At the end of August, the government approved a comprehensive amendment concerning tax and customs administration, which also changes the related procedural rules in the Tax Procedure Code. Based on comments from the Chamber of Tax Advisors, the…
Government approves draft amendment to Act on Top-Up Taxes: 15 key changes
Among the most important changes are adjustments to the conditions and deadlines for filing top-up tax information returns and top-up tax returns, a simplification of the obligation to file top-up tax information returns, and adjustments aimed at…
Overview of current and expected subsidy programmes
In our overview, we focus on selected programmes and calls under the Operational Programme Technology and Applications for Competitiveness, as well as on calls under the Modernisation Fund and programmes of the Technology Agency of the Czech…
SAC on claiming R&D allowance
In its recent judgment, the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) has addressed whether to allow claimed research and development (R&D) allowances. In the relevant case, the tax administrator disallowed these costs on the grounds that the basic…
Provision of company car to employee
A common employee benefit is the possibility to use a company car for private purposes. How to provide this benefit correctly? What is the effect of the vehicle’s emission parameters? How to proceed when a vehicle is provided exclusively for private…
Inspections by tax authorities targeting interest
Summer usually brings rest and holidays, but for some taxpayers it can be a time of increased attention from the tax authorities. In recent weeks, the tax authorities have been actively contacting taxpayers to verify the tax deductibility of certain…
Proving costs of light advertising
The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) dealt with the tax deductibility of costs incurred for advertising that broadcast a video spot on a LED screen. The tax administrator had doubts about the spot’s broadcasting frequency and assessed the costs as…
What will amendment to Accounting Act bring?
The draft amendment to the Accounting Act approved by the government will change the categorisation of entities and introduce new obligations regarding sustainability reporting. During the comment procedure, the originally proposed effective date…