Last wave of subsidies for large enterprises?

A few of the last calls to participate in the Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness Operational Programme (OPEIC) were announced during the course of June, including favourite programmes such as Potential, Innovations and Applications.…

Subsidies: also available for large enterprises?

In the second half of April, the Investment and Business Development Agency ceased to accept applications for support under the Potential and Innovation Programmes, falling under the Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness Operational…

Low-Carbon Technologies Programme: second call for applications

The Investment and Business Development Agency announced a second call for applications under the Low-Carbon Technologies Programme, aiming to support the competitiveness of businesses and the sustainability of the Czech economy through the…

Latest news - February 2017

Last month’s tax and legal news in a few sentences.

New calls under the ICT and Shared Services programme

At the end of October, first calls within the long-awaited second call under the Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness Operational Programme (OP EIC) were finally announced. In addition to calls designed for small and medium-size businesses…

Second call for the TRIO programme

In early October, the Ministry of Industry and Trade announced a second call for participation in the TRIO programme, designed to support projects focusing on industrial research and experimental development relating to key technologies. Companies…

OP EIC - changes in the second call

An up-to-date timetable of calls for applications under the Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness Operational Programme (OP EIC) was disclosed on 21 September 2016. Below we summarise some of the changes made to the original timetable.