Tax & Legal Update

How to avoid greenwashing? With a new EU directive!

A proposal for a new EU directive promises to strengthen consumer protection against a misleading business practice referred to as greenwashing, and stricter rules for entrepreneurs who claim that their products are environmentally sound (green).

Confidentiality in tax proceedings: what can tax administrator say about you, what…

Confidentiality in tax proceedings is a key principle that protects the privacy of taxpayers and ensures the confidentiality of information submitted in tax proceedings. What limits and boundaries does the obligation of confidentiality impose on tax…

Legislative basis for global minimum tax

The date the global minimum tax will be introduced is approaching, and therefore the Czech implementation law is being prepared. The only legal act that has gone through the standard legislative process so far is an EU directive deriving from…

News in Brief, May 2023

Last month’s tax and legal news in a few sentences.

Application of reverse charge to supplies of movable items when providing…

The Supreme Administrative Court dealt with the correctness of applying the reverse charge regime to the modernisation of a dairy which also included supplies of movable items functionally related to the dairy. At the heart of the dispute was…

CJEU on the VAT treatment of real property sales

In judgment C-239/22, the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) specified that the criterion of ‘first occupation’ of immovable property means the first use of the property by its owner or tenant. The application of VAT to the sale of the property then…

Italy: platform use in exchange for user data is barter; VAT base is the data’s value

The Italian tax administration has assessed additional output VAT to a platform on which users can register and use it free of charge. According to the tax administrator, this involves the provision of services for consideration, more precisely…

SAC on calculation of reduction coefficient upon sale of land

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) dealt with a case in which a sale of land was excluded from the calculation of the reduction coefficient. The taxpayer had sold land that they considered and accounted for as fixed assets. The tax administrator…

New retirement savings product: new options for long-term investment

The government will discuss a long-prepared amendment concerning financial market developments, in particular amending the Act on Capital Market Undertakings and introducing a new retirement savings product: a long-term investment product known as a…

Svarc system detection to be easier for the state

The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs wants to fundamentally change the definition of illegal work. The length of work should no longer be relevant to conclude that a relationship is unlawful. The purpose of the change is to make work easier for…

Amendment to Labour Code: further changes for workers under agreements outside…

Agreements to perform work and agreements to complete a job (i.e., agreements on work performed outside employment) are very popular in the Czech Republic. The updated wording of the proposed amendment to the Labour Code, which was published by the…