Tax & Legal Update

Interest on interest in tax proceedings

In its recent judgment, the Supreme Administrative Court confirmed that taxpayers are entitled to compensation for late declared and paid interest on the tax administrator's unlawful conduct – again, in the form of interest on the tax administrator…

Information obligation: what question may tax officers ask?

The tax authorities often call upon taxpayers – both formally and informally – to provide them with information or documents. While the information obligation towards the tax administrator is rather extensive, it does have its limits. Sometimes,…

Constitutional Court: employees deserve wages for on-call breaks

The Constitutional Court stood up for a firefighter from Ostrava airport. During his break from work, the firefighter had to remain ready to intervene even at the farthest point of the airport within three minutes. According to his employer, he was…

Taxpayer (yet again) fails to bear burden of proof regarding advertising services

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) ruled against the taxpayer and dismissed a cassation complaint in a dispute concerning the refusal of the right to deduct VAT on received advertising services. In the SAC’s opinion, if the extent of the supply…

National Recovery Plan’s first calls: photovoltaics, electric cars and water saving

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has issued more information on the use of funds from the National Recovery Plan: Beneficiaries can also be large businesses, and projects can be implemented throughout the Czech Republic, including Prague. The…

Investment incentives to increase in some regions, decrease in others

In November, the government approved two decrees that will affect investment incentives provided in the Czech Republic. In a large part of the Czech Republic, the conditions will be more favourable, and the maximum framework of the support provided…

Antivirus Regimes A and B extended until end of February

On 29 November 2021, the government decided to extend Antivirus Regime A until the end of February 2022, while at the same time activating Regime B from 1 November 2021 to 28 February 2022, thus responding to the current adverse development of the…

Another wave of COVID subsidy programmes to support business

In the context of the current pandemic situation, the government has approved the re-launch of some business support programmes, including COVID - Uncovered Costs and COVID 2021.

Application of time test to proceeds from sale of former cooperative apartment

If you intend to sell an apartment that had been in cooperative ownership (owned by a housing cooperative in which you were a member) before you became its owner, beware of calculating the time test: the period of time of the membership in the…

TA CR introduces new international call: CHIST-ERA

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) has announced an international call concerning information and telecommunication technologies. One of its topics responds to the upsurge in harmful behaviour on social networks in the form of…

SAC comments on invoicing services containing tax non-deductible expenses

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) confirmed that tax non-deductible expenses cannot be treated as deductible solely on the grounds that the taxpayer invoiced them plus a profit mark-up to the parent company for the provision of services.

SAC refuses right to deduct VAT on acquisition of movable assets after business…

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) rejected a cassation complaint filed by a taxpayer in a dispute concerning a refusal of the right to deduct VAT on an acquisition of movable assets followed by a purchase of a business establishment from the…