
VAT refunds post-Brexit

The General Financial Directorate has issued information on VAT refunds to UK entities after Brexit.

Summary of e-commerce changes (2021 VAT amendment)

From 1 July 2021, significant changes in VAT on the cross-border sale of goods over the internet enter into effect, concerning both sales within the EU and imports from third countries. The place of taxation will be the country of the recipient,…

Coordination Committee: Is compensation for unconsumed goods subject to VAT?

The Czech Chamber of Tax Advisors has come up with a proposal to unify the interpretation regarding the application of VAT in situations when the customer compensates the supplier for expenses incurred by the supplier for material unconsumed upon…

Amendment to VAT Act 2021: Goods from e-shops becoming more expensive?

From 1 July 2021, VAT will be collected on all import consignments regardless of their value. Thus, when purchasing goods from foreign e-shops, it will be necessary to consider, among other things, whether the product price includes or excludes VAT.…

Information on ATAD – continued

In the March issue of our Tax and Legal Update, we commented on the General Financial Directorate’s Information on Measures Arising from the Implementation of the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD). This time we summarise information on the…

2021 amendment to VAT Act: platforms and One-Stop-Shops

A draft amendment to the VAT Act, to enter into effect on 1 July 2021, introduces the deemed supplier concept for electronic interface operators (platforms). This concept should be applied when a platform facilitates certain distance sales of goods…

Waiver of sanctions for late filing of 2020 income tax returns

With respect to the persisting effects of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic, the Ministry of Finance has issued another liberation measure that under certain conditions waives the penalties charged to taxpayers for the late filing of income tax returns for…

2021 amendment to VAT Act introduces deemed supplier concept

The VAT position of electronic interface operators will change dramatically from 1 July 2021. In connection with a planned amendment to the VAT Act relating to e-commerce, individual e-shops ensuring the sale of goods from foreign suppliers will…

Financial administration’s response to queries regarding changes to tax depreciation

Extraordinary tax depreciation, adjusted limits for acquisition costs of tangible fixed assets or the cancellation of the intangible asset category are some of the most significant changes introduced by the January amendment to the Income Tax Act.…

GFD’s Information on ATAD

The General Financial Directorate (GFD) issued its Information on Measures Arising from the Implementation of the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD), clarifying certain practical issues associated with the restricted deductibility of excess…

Deductibility of interest on mortgage loans after 1 January 2021

On 1 January 2021, an amendment to the Income Tax Act entered into effect, reducing the annual limit of interest paid on mortgage loans or building savings loans to be deducted from the tax base from CZK 300 thousand to CZK 150 thousand. Uncertainty…

Transfer pricing - comparability analysis in times of COVID-19

The unprecedented changes in the economic environment following the outbreak of COVID-19 have created unique challenges for setting prices in intra-group transactions. The correct setting or verification of transfer prices for the past year while…