
Changes in carer’s allowance and paternity leave

Ensuring equal opportunities for men and women and work-life balance have long been pressing issues on the European Union’s agenda, going hand in hand with the effort to allow fathers to be more involved in raising their children. One of the tools…

Another step towards digitisation in corporate law

The Ministry of Justice has prepared a bill to implement into Czech law further changes arising from the EU directive as regards the use of digital tools and processes in corporate law. The related amendment to the Notarial Code has already entered…

Kurzarbeit finally given green light after one year

In a draft amendment to the Act on Employment submitted at the end of August last year, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs introduced its long-awaited concept for the provision of support during partial unemployment, the kurzarbeit (short…

Alternative solutions to competition issues in Anti-Trust Office’s decision- making…

In the recent case, the Office for the Protection of Competition refrained from initiating sanction proceedings despite the alleged existence of an illegal price-fixing agreement. The office thus indicated its willingness to resolve some matters by…

New areas of unqualified trade

With the transposition of new EU rules aiming to prevent the use of financial systems for money laundering or the financing of terrorism into Czech law, new activities were added to ‘unqualified trade’ under the Trade Licensing Act on 1 January 2021…

Amendment to Act on Banks

The implementation of CRR II and CRD V has been delayed. The amendment introduces changes to the responsibility of banks, credit unions and securities brokers and new authorisations of the Czech National Bank. Financial institutions must prepare…

August brings significant changes to regulation of foreigners’ residence in the CR

An amendment to the Act on Residence of Foreign Nationals has undergone a dramatic legislative process. After being vetoed by the senate and subsequently overruled by the deputies, the amendment was signed by the president and promulgated in the…

Beware of new standard contractual clauses when transferring personal data outside…

The European Commission has adopted two implementing regulations with significant impact on personal data processing. Effective from 27 June 2021, it is possible to use new standard contractual clauses for transferring personal data from the EU/EEA…

Registration of beneficial owners’ first month

The Act on the Registration of Beneficial Owners, a ground-breaking legal regulation, entered into effect on 1 June 2021. Since this date, the registry of beneficial owners has been available to the public and allows individuals to obtain a partial…

Amendment to Foreigners’ Residence Act not passed by Senate

In mid-June, the Chamber of Deputies approved the long-awaited bill to amend the Foreigners’ Residence Act and passed it on to the Senate. On 1 July, the Senate rejected the amendment. Below, we present the changes that the amendment was intended to…

Labour Inspection Office focuses on illegal employment and unlawful labour hire…

Illegal work and concealed agency employment are offences associated with the highest sanctions in the labour-law sphere, as the Labour Inspection Office may impose fines of up to CZK 10 million on employers. The office has been focusing on…

COVID-19 vaccinations for employees posted abroad

Vaccinations against COVID-19 are in full swing in the Czech Republic. Currently, 30-year-olds may register to get their shots; from June, registration should open for all persons over the age of 16. This means that virtually the entire productive…