
Planned changes to Act on Residence of Foreign Nationals for 2021

The government has proposed changes to the Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals as part of an amendment responding to a new bill on identity cards deriving from a new EU regulation on strengthening the security of identity cards of EU citizens…

Certain aspects of Antivirus‘ Regime C

The chamber of deputies passed a bill on the waiver of social security premiums for the second time, after the senate had returned the bill back for discussion among deputies. The amendment extends the Antivirus programme by long-awaited Regime C,…

"Semafor" – new rules for travelling across the Czech border

On 1 June 2020, the government approved the Ministry of Health’s new protective measure entering into effect on Monday 15 June. The measure is called "Semafor", owing to its visual similarity to traffic lights. It regulates the conditions for…

Antivirus programme with a new coat

The government decided to extend current Regime B of the Antivirus programme and, simultaneously, the chamber of deputies approved long-awaited Regime C, involving the waiver of part of social security premiums and state employment policy…

Residence of foreigners after the state of emergency

During the state of emergency, the Asylum and Migration Policy Section of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in charge of the foreign nationals agenda, limited its activity to essential matters concerning the residence of foreigners. How is it…

Employee protection against employer’s insolvency reinstated

The protection of employees against their employer’s insolvency is not new in the Czech system of law. However, with the adoption of ‘Lex Covid’ in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, it had been temporarily taken away: employees lost the…

Detailed guidance on consent under GDPR

At the beginning of May 2020, the European Data Protection Board (formerly the Article 29 Working Party) issued new guidelines on obtaining and proving consent with personal data processing from data subjects, supplementing the existing Article 29…

Antivirus programme update

At the beginning of April, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs launched the “Antivirus” programme, enabling employers to get a partial refund for the compensations for salaries they had to pay to their employees due to certain impediments to…

Further loosening of rules for foreigners

On 4 May 2020, the government adopted several resolutions significantly expanding the options for foreign employees to come to work in the Czech Republic, thus at least partially accommodating the needs of employers. The government should resume the…

New duty to provide information on tourism services

Within the measures adopted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, legislators have passed a legal amendment introducing the duty for tourism services intermediaries (typically Airbnb and similar platforms) to provide information on these services to…

Will tax administrators have to file taxpayers’ financial statements in the…

At the end of January, a group of deputies submitted a draft amendment to the Act on Public Registers that introduces the duty of tax administrators to file on behalf of individuals and corporate entities recorded in public registers their ordinary,…

Permits to mediate employment complicate employment of foreign nationals

Last year’s amendment to the Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals forbids foreigners with employee cards to change their employers if these are employment agencies, i.e. entities holding a licence for the mediation of employment. These involve…