
TACR announcing TREND support programme, project applications accepted until 11 July

On 15 May 2019, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TACR) announced the first call under the TREND programme supporting industrial research and experimental development. This is an opportunity mainly for projects focusing on the development…

Pitfalls of quick fixes: proving transport and chain transactions

In the May issue of Tax and Legal Update, we covered the first two changes arising from the draft 2020 amendment to the VAT Act. The amendment also contains important changes as regards proving transport to another member state and chain…

2019 VAT amendment: treatment of meal vouchers

In the March issue of Tax and Legal Update, we looked into whether meal vouchers meet the definition of a voucher for VAT purposes. The question of how to treat meal vouchers following the implementation of the Vouchers Directive in the amended VAT…

Major changes to tax procedure rules ahead

The Ministry of Finance has released for intra-departmental comments an extensive amendment to the Tax Procedure Code. Its impressive 130 points will affect many old ways. For instance, the ministry proposes to change the system of charging interest…

Quick fixes to introduce significant changes in 2020

A draft amendment to the VAT Act for 2020 introduces significant changes for consignment stock arrangements and intra-community transactions with goods. These quick fixes are aimed at harmonising the rules for the delivery of goods among the EU…

Draft amendment to tax laws to increase public budget revenues

The Ministry of Finance disclosed a draft amendment to tax laws for 2020, aimed at increasing revenues for public budgets. Changes will primarily affect insurance companies that will have to additionally tax, on a one-off basis, the difference…

Czech reporting of cross-border transactions

The Ministry of Finance has submitted a draft amendment to tax legislation for 2020 for comments. The amendment includes, among other things, the implementation of DAC 6 and the introduction of reporting duties relating to selected cross-border…

Last call to participate in Employment Operational Programme: support for employee…

On 15 March 2019, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs announced a new call to participate in a programme supporting the professional education of employees relating to IT, languages, soft skills, and professional skills. This call is likely to…

Changes to income tax after 2019 amendment

The long-awaited tax package entered into effect on 1 April. Legal entities will primarily have to cope with changes to withholding tax, borrowing costs and cross-border transactions; individuals, on the other hand, will mostly be affected by…

2019 amendment to VAT Act: summary of major changes, vol. 2

Over the last year, in our Tax and Legal Update, we have discussed the changes to VAT that are part of the 2019 tax package many times. The final version of the amendment is on the table now, giving us the chance to summarise the major changes and…

Amendment to VAT Act: Are meal vouchers liable to VAT?

The tax package returned by the Senate to the Chamber of Deputies, to be discussed again on 12 March 2019, contains, among other things, the implementation of the Vouchers Directive. This directive regulates the rules under which the VAT regime for…

TREND – a new programme to support industrial research

The National Research and Innovation Strategy for the Czech Republic’s Smart Specialisation (National RIS3 Strategy) is preparing an entirely new programme to support applied research and experimental development. The TREND programme builds upon the…