
EU Copyright Directive finally adopted

In mid-May, the EU directive regulating copyright in the digital single market was published in the European Union’s Official Journal. The final and concrete extent of the new rights and duties will only be known once Czech legislators adopt the…

Outsourcing in financial services – new and stricter guidelines

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has issued new and stricter guidelines on outsourcing arrangements, affecting all entities subject to its supervision, including payment and electronic money institutions. EBA’s guidelines have been prepared in…

New EU Prospectus Regulation: more obligations for issuers or less strict rules?

What major changes in disclosing information about securities are to be introduced by Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and the Council? The regulation will be directly applicable from 21 July of this year. Will issuers of…

Establishing trades or corporations easily, quickly and on-line?

To the Chamber of Deputies, a group of deputies has submitted a motion to amend legislation regulating the establishment of corporations. The proposal should enable the establishment of a trade or a limited liability company easily from home via the…

Financial market about to change

In mid-February, an amendment that may bring significant changes to several financial market segments was submitted to the Chamber of Deputies. What are the amendment’s major points? What should entities operating in the financial market prepare…

What expenses are reasonably incurred when mortgage loans are repaid prematurely?

In early March, the Czech National Bank published its opinion on expenses that can be regarded as reasonably incurred in connection with the early repayment of a consumer loan for residential purposes. What are the CNB’s views on this? Shall we…

Transfer of garage parking place without pre-emptive right again?

The government approved and submitted to the parliament another amendment to the Civil Code, which prescribes, among other things, an exception from the pre-emptive right to a co-owner’s share in real property in certain cases of residential co…

Partial termination notices for employees performing several types of work

In a case before the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, an employee did not meet the legal pre-requisites for performing direct pedagogical activities, and was therefore given a notice of termination by the employer. However, other types of work…

New EU regulation on public documents - the end of apostilles in EU

In mid-February, a new regulation on public documents in the European Union (No. 2016/1191) entered into effect, aimed to promote the free movement of persons within the EU by simplifying the requirements for presenting certain public documents,…

Hard Brexit’s effect on UK citizens’ employment and residence in the CR

At the end of March, two years will have elapsed from the moment the United Kingdom announced its intention to withdraw from the EU. If the British parliament does not approve the agreement on the conditions of the withdrawal by that time, the…

Concerns about new whistleblowing regulation

A bill on the protection of whistle-blowers is another attempt currently discussed by the government to regulate whistle-blowing (i.e. exposing any kind of information or activity deemed illegal, unethical, or not correct within a private or public…

Revolution in providing information to investors?

In February, the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) disclosed the results of a public consultation regarding the essential elements of key information documents (KIDs). These are obligatorily provided to retail investors in compliance with the…