
Personal Data Protection Office on when to perform a DPIA

When does it become necessary to carry out a data protection impact assessment? The Personal Data Protection Office attempts to answer this question with its List of Types of Personal Data Processing Operations Subject to Data Protection Impact…

Brexit implications for Czech financial sector

The Czech Republic is preparing for a hard Brexit, as the deadline for the United Kingdom leaving the EU is approaching. Earlier this year, the government proposed a bill on Brexit designed to mitigate the impact on British citizens and corporations…

New rules and duties for real property intermediaries

To protect consumers and enhance the quality of real property services, the government approved a new bill on real property intermediation and on changes to the Trade Licensing Act. Persons interested in the purchase/sale/lease/acquisition of the…

No deregulation for investment funds

In 2019, we expect further regulatory changes in the investment fund sector, mainly concerning reporting and stress testing. The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) is now finalising guidelines on stress test scenarios for money market…

Uncertainty regarding electronic sick notes and waiting period (karenční doba)

Work on and approval of legislative changes to social security law have recently been reminiscent of Westerns. Whereas the cancellation of the waiting period (karenční doba) was passed by the Chamber of Deputies after years of discussion and…

What’s new in immigration law?

Discussions concerning immigration law have recently been fairly lively. While the Chamber of Deputies is currently deliberating an extensive amendment to the Act on Foreign Nationals’ Residence, in November, the Constitutional Court cancelled a…

Deputies pass GDPR-adapting act

In December of last year, the Chamber of Deputies passed a long-awaited bill on personal data processing, designed to replace the existing Act on Personal Data Protection. Its adoption follows the new rules set out in the EU General Data Protection…

Have you registered your beneficial owner yet?

From January 2018, entities recorded in Czech public registers have to register their beneficial owners in a new register maintained by the registration courts. The law set a one-year time limit to do so. The deadline is slowly drawing to an end,…

Deal or no-deal. Brexit from an intellectual property rights viewpoint

Brexit, probably next year’s most important international event, will significantly affect many areas: from EU citizens’ rights, through finance sector regulations to the enforcement of British court judgments in the EU (and vice versa, of course).…

Uniform interpretation of crypto assets at hand?

An important voice has joined the pending discussions regarding the nature of crypto assets, i.e. virtual currencies, various tokens and initial coin offerings (ICO). In mid-October, a working group of the European Securities and Markets Authority …

Significant amendment to Labour Code returns

In August, the government began to discuss a document that will undoubtedly be familiar to some lawmakers and the professional public. A large amendment to the Labour Code, which the Chamber of Deputies in its previous structure did not have time to…

Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office updates methodology for corporate exoneration

Public prosecutors have so far lacked a tool to assess whether a corporate entity’s internal measures and efforts to prevent criminal activity are sufficient to avoid the entity’s criminal liability for their employees’ wrongdoings. An updated…