
Another step towards EU copyright reform

The media has recently been overflowing with news about the European Parliament approving a directive on copyright on the internet, including articles about a threat to freedom on the internet or the end of the internet in its current form. What…

To what extent may the rights of members of limited liability companies be…

The Chamber of Deputies is currently discussing an amendment to the Act on Corporations. Below we present a summary of the amendment’s changes relating to the types of ownership interests in limited liability companies.

Quicker construction of motorways and other key infrastructure, at last?

An amendment to the Act on Accelerating the Construction of Transport, Water, Energy and Electronic Communication Infrastructure (No. 169/2018 Coll.) entered into effect on 31 August 2018. It primarily deals with the backbone motorway network, main…

Another step towards greater transparency of corporate structures?

An extensive amendment to the Corporations Act, prepared by the Ministry of Justice, is presently being debated by the Chamber of Deputies. In this article, we look into the changes that the amendment should bring for members of elected bodies of…

Spouse’s consent to share transfers not just a formality

A share in a business corporation held by a spouse forms part of the community property of spouses (‘community property’), with some exceptions. Although the other spouse does not become a shareholder (they cannot attend or vote at general meetings…

Another step towards a common capital market

In March 2018, the European Commission prepared a set of legislative proposals aiming to promote alternative sources of financing and remove barriers to cross-border investments. The EU thus continues its efforts to create a Capital Markets Union,…

Labour Inspection’s statistics: breaches of Labour Code not worthwhile

The State Labour Inspection Office conducted nearly 25 thousand inspections and collected over CZK 218 million in fines in the past year, according to the published results of inspections of compliance with labour-law regulations. Inspectors mainly…

Scent trademarks and other news

A major amendment to the Act on Trademarks is currently being debated, with the planned effective date on 1 January 2019. If passed, the amendment will fundamentally change the system of registering trademarks in the Czech Republic. The amendment…

First three days of sick leave paid again?

Under presently applicable legislation, employees are not entitled to wage compensation for the first three days of temporary inability to work. This practice, referred to as ‘karencni doba’, or a ‘waiting period’ was introduced in 2008 by Mirek…

No sanctions for breach of GDPR for ČEZ and non-profits?

A group of deputies headed by Marian Jurečka (KDU-ČSL) has submitted a draft amendment to the Personal Data Protection Act. The deputies have taken on the role of protectors of public institutions and non-profit organisations against the harsh…

Collection of Deeds one gaping void – what does the new bill say?

The Ministry of Justice has started preparing an amendment to the Corporations Act, aiming to reduce the regulatory burden for entrepreneurs while shedding more light on non-transparent corporate structures. It also intends to enforce the duty to…

Online shopping without borders

We all got used very quickly to the abolition of roaming charges within the EU. And we may also enjoy prepaid Netflix, HBO Go, Amazon Prime, Spotify or Deezer subscriptions while travelling within the European Union. Yet another step towards the…