
LES unconstitutional

In the last issue of Tax and Legal Update, we briefly informed on the proposed amendment to the Act on the Czech Chamber of Commerce introducing the Legal Electronic System – LES. Today, we will look into some of the system’s deficiencies.

Private enforcement of competition law made easier

The new Act on Compensation of Damage in the Area of Competition has successfully passed through the legislative process. It should make it easier to claim civil damages for the infringement of competition laws through cartels or abuse of dominant…

Less administration for entrepreneurs

The senate has passed an amendment to the Trade Licensing Act that brings some administrative simplifications. Among other things, in abandons the entrepreneurs’ duty to provide to the trade licensing authority certain data available from the Trade…

Legal electronic system for entrepreneurs

The Chamber of Deputies is currently discussing a draft amendment to the Act on the Czech Chamber of Commerce. The amendment also introduces the Legal Electronic System (LES). Aiming to make the business environment in the Czech Republic more…

Constitutional Court puts a brake on the right to information

The right to information, protected by the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms and further elaborated on in the Act on Free Access to Information and some other laws, is one of the evergreens of administrative justice. The Supreme…

MiFIDII implemented by Capital Market Undertakings Act

In late June, the president signed a significant amendment to the Act on Business Activities on the Capital Market (Capital Market Undertakings Act) and other legislation regulating the provision of financial services. The amendment is a part of the…

Stricter conditions for agency employment

The long-in-preparation amendment to labour laws that changes the agency employment conditions has successfully passed through the legislative process. Employment agencies and users of agency employees have to get ready for new duties. On the other…

ePrivacy to protect online data

Early this year, the European Commission released the first official draft of its ePrivacy regulation, a special regulation to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Both should enter into effect already on 25 May 2018. Yet, for ePrivacy,…

Amendment to the Act on Foreign Nationals’ Residence in the Czech Republic…

The Act on Foreign Nationals’ Residence in the Czech Republic regulates the conditions under which foreigners may enter our territory and sets the rules for issuing residency permits and visas. Its amendment, which is now being discussed in…

Abolishment of investment limits for qualified investor funds

The government passed a long-awaited amendment to the decree on investing of investment funds and the techniques of their management. Starting from 1 June 2017, qualified investor funds no longer have to diversify their assets in compliance with…

Effective date of the amendment to the Insolvency Act approaching

The comprehensive amendment to the Insolvency Act published in the Collection of Laws under No. 64/2017 Coll. enters into effect on 1 July. One of its most important changes expands and specifies the definition of bankruptcy. The amendment also…

New data processing consent required under GDPR?

The new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is knocking on our door. Although the new rules are only to be followed from May 2018, due to the complexity of implementation a number of companies have started to prepare for them already. In…