
Amendment to the Building Act simplifies construction permits

An amendment to the Building Act has passed its second reading in the Chamber of Deputies. The main change that it brings is the new concept of a joint zoning and building procedure, including the possibility to issue a joint ruling for such a…

Banks fighting cyber threats jointly

The Ministry of Finance is preparing an amendment to the Act on Banks and the Act on Savings and Credit Unions. Its primary purpose is to modify these laws according to changes that have been made to related legislation. Additionally, a new…

EU taking a closer look at cross-border posting of workers

Within cross-border provisions of services, many entrepreneurs post their employees to temporarily work in other EU countries. As the services’ users in economically stronger member states might easily misuse cheaper labour from abroad, since 1996…

New non-profit sector bill proposed

A long-awaited draft Act on Publicly Beneficial Status, which aims to enhance the transparency and trustworthiness of non-profit organisations by recording their publicly beneficial status in a public register, has finally been prepared. Although…

Do you know about switching?

Are you happy with the bank in which you have your account? If not, do not despair: changing or switching banks will become an easy matter from as early as March of this year. Owing to an amendment to the Act on Payment Services, implementing…

How to tackle damages relating to competition law?

At the end of 2016, the government submitted to the chamber of deputies a bill on damages relating to competition law, aiming to facilitate the recovery of damages for infringements of national and EU competition law on a private-law basis.

An end to malicious insolvency petitions?

The Senate is currently debating an amendment to the Insolvency Act, aiming, among other things, to introduce the preliminary assessment of insolvency petitions if maliciousness is suspected. The amendment should also limit the influence of…

Stricter control over employees’ personal data protection

The legal framework regulating the handling of employees’ personal data is going through significant changes. One of them is the adoption of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), substantially changing the rules for the treatment of…

Employees back on supervisory boards

The historically first amendment to the Corporations Act found its way through the legislative process and a day before year-end was promulgated in the Collection of Laws under No. 458/2016 Coll. With it, for some companies, the familiar duty of…

Into the new year with an amended Civil Code

Two days before the third anniversary of the Civil Code’s effective date, its first overall amendment was published in the Collection of Laws as Act No. 460/2016 Coll. It has brought about some significant changes, the most crucial of which we…

Long awaited amendment to the Corporations Act

Soon, we will mark the third anniversary of the Act on Corporations and Cooperatives (Corporations Act) coming into effect. Since the beginning, its application has been wrought with difficulties due to its inaccuracies and deficiencies. An…

Corporate criminal liability after the amendment

All corporations should take note: on 1 December 2016, the awaited amendment to the Corporate Criminal Liability Act entered into effect. A number of significant changes should not escape the attention of any corporate entity – whether a…