
The moment of export from a VAT perspective

Last year’s amendment to the VAT Act changed the definition of a tax document upon the export of goods. A recent contribution submitted by the Chamber of Tax Advisors for discussion in the coordination committee with the GFD clarifies the moment at…

Penalties for VAT ledger statements: new waiver options

The General Financial Directorate (GFD) is expanding options to waive penalties for the failure to file VAT ledger statements, or for their late filing, amounting to CZK 10, 30 or 50 thousand. It will be possible to waive up to two penalties for…

Survey: Czech tax environment not supportive of business

Almost two thirds of finance managers do not consider the Czech tax environment favourable for business activities and more than half of them view the changes made in the last two or three years as negative. In their opinion, the most negative is…

How to deliver data messages with powers of attorney

Delivering messages to data boxes have been causing interpretation uncertainties since 2009 when data boxes were introduced in our legislation, in particular where the formal elements of documents delivered via data boxes are concerned. Both civil…

Amendment significantly expands reporting duties towards tax authority

In mid-February, the Ministry of Finance submitted an amendment to the Tax Procedure Rules for an accelerated comment procedure. This amendment should ensure access to other information about taxable entities and their bank accounts to tax and other…

Clarification of VAT regime on re-sale of telecommunication services

The General Financial Directorate (GFD) decided to respond to frequent inquiries regarding the purchase and sale of electronic communication services and issued a clarifying appendix to its already-published information. The application of a…

GFD provides clarification on reporting of sales received from carriers

Have you properly set contractual terms and conditions with your carriers? Do you know when and who is supposed to report sales with payment collection provided by carriers? Please note that for ERS purposes, not all carriers are the same! The…

Low-Carbon Technologies Programme: second call for applications

The Investment and Business Development Agency announced a second call for applications under the Low-Carbon Technologies Programme, aiming to support the competitiveness of businesses and the sustainability of the Czech economy through the…

Binding rulings now also on allocation of profits to permanent establishments

Thanks to the budget committee’s amending proposal, the above mentioned amendment to the Income Tax Act (Print No. 873) expands the applicability of binding rulings. These will now also apply to the method in which profits are allocated to a…

Deputies approve amendment to VAT Act

The chamber of deputies approved a government bill to amend certain tax laws, including the VAT Act and the Tax Procedure Rules. Amendments to both of these acts are to become effective on 1 April 2017. The summary of major changes in VAT focusing…

Expected income tax changes

A tax package, containing changes in income taxes, VAT and tax procedure rules, has passed its third reading in the chamber of deputies and is currently moving to the senate. The important changes to the Income Tax Act that have already been…

Amendments to tax laws at third reading

Amendments to tax laws (Print No. 873) will be subject to a third reading in the Chamber of Deputies, likely to occur after 10 January. The amendments should become effective on 1 April 2017. Discussions within the third reading will be quite…