
Svarc system detection to be easier for the state

The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs wants to fundamentally change the definition of illegal work. The length of work should no longer be relevant to conclude that a relationship is unlawful. The purpose of the change is to make work easier for…

New retirement savings product: new options for long-term investment

The government will discuss a long-prepared amendment concerning financial market developments, in particular amending the Act on Capital Market Undertakings and introducing a new retirement savings product: a long-term investment product known as a…

Ukrainians in the Czech Republic losing temporary protection due to Canadian visas

Temporary protection is provided to foreigners who left Ukraine after 24 February 2022 in connection with Russian aggression and meet certain specified conditions. This type of residence permit allows free access to the labour market and offers…

Rules for residence and work of foreigners face significant changes

The Act on the Residence of Foreigners in the Czech Republic, stipulating the conditions for the residence and employment of foreigners, has proven to be obsolete as it does not sufficiently reflect mainly the requirements of the international…

Class actions coming soon but not for all

Shortly before Christmas last year, the Ministry of Justice presented a bill on collective proceedings. The new legislation, which could enter into force as early as this year, will allow consumers to assert their identical claims against the same…

Temporary protection period extended; foreigners must register online

In the November 2022 issue of Tax and Legal Update, we informed you about a government bill extending temporary protection of Ukrainian refugees by one year. During January, the amendment successfully passed through all stages of the legislative…

Setting up company faster and easier from January

Founders of limited liability companies may now obtain a trade license even after the company has been incorporated/registered in the Commercial Register. Things should also be made easier by an official memorandum of association template, which…

Notification obligation when employing foreigners also applies to foreign companies

One of the administrative tasks connected with employing foreigners is the employer's notification obligation towards the Czech Labour Office. Even Czech employers are often not aware of this obligation, or do not know how to deal with the…

How to set minimum share of low-emission vehicles in public procurement?

The new Act on the Support to Low-Emission Vehicles, which belatedly transposes into Czech law Directive (EU) 2019/1161 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Promotion of Clean and Energy-Efficient Road Transport, stipulates a…

Amendment brings greater protection for farmers and food producers

An important amendment to the Act on Significant Market Power has successfully passed the legislative process and will enter into effect on 1 January 2023. In addition to introducing a broad list of prohibited business practices, it will now apply…

Agency employment facing significant changes

The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has published a draft amendment to the Employment Act and the Labour Code, introducing new conditions for employment agencies and their employees. The amendment aims to increase the protection of agency…

News in consumer protection legislation

The Amendment to the Consumer Protection Act and the Civil Code will bring several important changes aiming to increase the protection of consumer rights and make it more efficient. Below we provide a summary of some of the changes.