World news

Better protection for whistle-blowers

The EU Council adopted a directive setting the minimum rules of protection for persons reporting corporate wrongdoings. The directive is to be transposed into Czech law by May 2021.

Starbucks can celebrate – Dutch APA issues most likely resolved

The EU General Court ruled in favour of Starbucks and the Dutch authorities and annulled the European Commission’s decision on illegal state aid provided within an advanced pricing agreement. At the same time, however, the court upheld the EC’s…

American digital giants strongly object to French tax

In July, the Office of the US Trade Representative initiated an investigation into the digital tax recently introduced in France. The USA have expressed concern that the implemented tax unfairly targets mainly American digital companies. The office…

SONIA to replace LIBOR

The end of the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) is approaching, since this rate will only be used until the end of 2021. The Bank of England, the UK’s central bank, is introducing the Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA), as lost confidence…

EU introduces parental leave for both partners and ten-day paternity leave

The rate of employment for women in the EU is by 11.6% lower than that of men and, moreover, a third of all EU women work only part-time. Differences in employment are much more profound for parents and other persons with care responsibilities.…

Renewable energy sources for all Europeans

The last of the eight legislative acts constituting the Winter Energy Package was published in the European Union’s Official Journal in June. Submitted by the European Commission in November 2016, the changes to EU energy legislation aiming to…

May ECOFIN: digital taxation and changes to black list

At its May 2019 session, the Economic and Financial Affairs Council approved changes to the EU black list. Ministers also exchanged opinions on the taxation of the digital economy before the upcoming debate at the G20 summit in June.

Government to disallow certain foreign investments

On 10 April 2019, Regulation (EU) 2019/452 of the European Parliament and the Council, establishing a framework for the screening of foreign direct investments into the European Union, entered into effect in record time. In connection with this, the…

9 major tax changes in case of no-deal Brexit

The planned date of Great Britain’s withdrawal from the EU set for 29 March 2019 has been postponed. However, a British proposal for postponement until 30 June 2019 has not been approved by the EU27. Below we summarise the major potential impacts of…

Brexit to change application of withholding tax and securing of tax

The United Kingdom has been trying to reopen the negotiation of the Brexit agreement with the EU, so far without success. If the agreement is not approved by the British parliament, a no-deal Brexit appears likely. The Czech Republic has prepared…

EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement

The EU and Japan's Economic Partnership Agreement entered into force on 1 February 2019, eliminating the majority of existing tariff and non-tariff measures pertaining to the delivery of goods and the provision of services, enhancing mutual…

Brexit: time for a deal running short

Although the exit agreement between the United Kingdom and the EU is ready, it has not yet been ratified. The key vote in the British parliament lies ahead: if the deal is not passed, there will most likely be a no-deal Brexit. In this uncertain…