New call to support water saving in industry

On 5 May 2022, the Ministry of Industry and Trade announced a long-awaited call for water saving in industry. This is the first call of its kind under the National Recovery Plan.
Support will be provided, e.g., for investments in filtration facilities, reduction of leakages in water distribution systems, rainwater harvesting or use, and more. Applications for support will be accepted from 12 May to 30 September 2022. Project implementations must be completed by 31 December 2024.
Who can apply and for how much?
Aid is intended for businesses including those owned by public bodies. Up to three applications can be submitted under one identification number if the projects are implemented in different locations. The place of implementation can be the entire Czech Republic including Prague.
A total of CZK 1 billion will be allocated to applicants. Support will be granted for up to 40% of eligible costs. The minimum amount of subsidy is CZK 1 million; the upper limit is CZK 25 million.
What are the eligible costs?
Eligible costs may include costs incurred for machinery and equipment, buildings, utilities, and construction and development activities. However, construction work and supplies are eligible only to the extent that the work is strictly necessary for the implementation of the proposed measure. Investments constituting eligible costs will have to be put out to tender in accordance with the Public Procurement Act.
What are the conditions?
Applicants must submit a business plan, a water audit prepared within the scope set out by the call, a detailed description of the technology to be purchased, and a cumulative project budget including indicative quotations.
Projects that through a water audit fail to demonstrate water savings of at least 5% or 100 m3/year by the proposed measures will not be supported. Similarly, support will not be granted to projects aimed at purifying or changing the quality of water at the inlet or outlet of the undertaking's water management system, water saving projects outside the undertaking's water management system, changing water sources or their capacity, and primary agricultural production.