Support for research and development: DELTA 2 programme opens

On 18 May 2022, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) announced the fourth call within the DELTA 2 Programme for Support of Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation. The programme supports the transfer of international knowledge, sharing of good practice, and penetration into foreign markets.
The call is intended to facilitate international cooperation in applied research through joint projects of Czech entities supported by TA CR and foreign partners with the expected support from foreign institutions, all this on the condition that at least one foreign applicant from the location where the foreign partner organisation is located must participate in the project together with the Czech applicant. These locations include Brazil, the Republic of Korea, Israel, Taiwan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, the USA, Québec, and Nigeria.
Applications are open to research organisations and businesses, and project proposals must be submitted in English. The lead applicant can submit an unlimited number of project proposals through the ISTA system.
When you can apply and for how much
The call period runs from 19 May to 13 July 2022 and results will be announced no later than 30 November 2022. Projects with an overall duration of between 12 and 36 months must start during January-March 2023.
There is no limit on the maximum amount of aid per project; the maximum aid intensity has been set at 74%. A total of CZK 250 million will be allocated for distribution under the call. TA CR provides support only to the Czech part of the consortium; foreign participants will be financed from foreign sources.
Other conditions
TA CR will only support project proposals that have not yet been and are currently not being addressed in whole or in part by another project. Double financing is not allowed.
The project proposal must include the lead applicant's financial plan and the expected financing of the foreign part of the project.
Each applicant must prove their eligibility through an affidavit and an affidavit on the composition of the consortium. Other essential elements to be provided by the applicant are the professional capacity to carry out the project, the authorisation to engage in the activities relevant to the planned project, and the ownership structure of each applicant.
If you are interested in the call, we will be happy to provide you with more information and examine whether you can use it for your activities.