Transport 2021-2027: Hundreds of millions for charging and hydrogen stations

At the end of July, the Ministry of Transport updated the schedule of calls under the Operational Programme Transport 2021-2027. This programme continues to support key transport projects focusing on the expansion of infrastructure for alternative fuels for passenger and freight vehicles, and the digitisation and development of rail transport.
The Transport 2021-2027 programme is a support instrument for financing transport projects aimed at efficient, accessible, and environmentally friendly transport. The priority for the Czech Republic is the development of a backbone, suburban, and urban transport infrastructure and sustainable transport, which will improve regional connectivity and links to other EU countrieXXWs. The main calls announced focus on supporting infrastructure for alternative fuels, such as the construction of charging stations with battery storage, fast charging stations, conventional charging stations, and hydrogen filling stations. The selected calls with information on their timing and funds for allocation are summarised below:
Name | Funds for allocation | Call announced in | Acceptance of applications ending in |
Support for the development of fast charging infrastructure for trucks | CZK 1 000 mil |
12/2024 |
04/2025 |
Support for the development of charging infrastructure with battery storage | CZK 300 mil | 01/2025 | 05/2025 |
Support for the development of fast charging infrastructure for passenger vehicles | CZK 1 385 mil | 09/2024 | 01/2025 |
Support for the development of conventional charging stations in cities and municipalities | CZK 370 mil | 10/2024 | 02/2025 |
Support for the development of hydrogen filling stations along the main TEN-T network* | CZK 180 mil | 11/2024 | 03/2025 |
Support for the development of hydrogen filling stations in urban nodes | CZK 240 mil | 11/2024 | 03/2025 |
For all the calls, applications can be submitted by the owners or managers of the involved infrastructure in the Czech Republic.
The maximum aid intensity can be up to 85% of eligible expenses. Applications for support will be assessed in terms of the project’s cost-effectiveness, preparedness and relevance.
The Ministry of Transport also announced its plans for calls focused on rail transport. More detailed information can be found here.
* TEN-T - Trans-European Transport Network is a network of road and rail corridors, international airports, and waterways in the European Union.