Another call under TRANSPORT 2030 programme

The new call under the TRANSPORT 2030 programme offers opportunities for the advancement of applied research, experimental development and innovation in the transport sector, focusing on sustainable, automated, and environmentally friendly transport.
The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic has announced its third call under the TRANSPORT 2030 programme, which focuses on supporting applied research and innovation in transport. The call covers all modes of transport, including land, water, and air, and all types of transportation means and infrastructure. Projects must meet the specific objectives of the programme, such as sustainable, accessible and safe transport, automation and digitisation, and low-emission and green transport. Large enterprises can also apply for support.
Applications for support can be submitted from 6 March to 30 April 2025. The funds for allocation are CZK 600 million, with maximum aid of CZK 40 million per project. The maximum aid intensity for large enterprises is 25-65% of eligible expenses, depending on whether the project involves industrial research or experimental development. Support may be granted for personnel costs, subcontracting costs, other direct costs, and indirect costs. The project output must be one of the following: an industrial design or a utility model, a prototype, a working sample, a patent, software, a pilot plant, or a proven technology.
The project can be started in January 2026 and completed by December 2029 at the latest (the project can take 12-48 months).
If you are interested, we will be happy to help you with the preparation of your application.