SAC’s Grand Chamber clarifies formal requirements for power of attorney

The Grand Chamber of the Supreme Administrative Court has clarified certain aspects of granting a power of attorney for representation in proceedings before state authorities. The SAC pointed out that there are no stricter requirements for the…

SAC: advertising services and the right to deduct VAT

In judgment 8 Afs 111/2022–36, the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) assessed how far a taxpayer had discharged their burden of proof in a case involving received advertising services that were to be rendered within motorcycle races, among other…

Application of time test to proceeds from sale of former cooperative apartment

If you intend to sell an apartment that had been in cooperative ownership (owned by a housing cooperative in which you were a member) before you became its owner, beware of calculating the time test: the period of time of the membership in the…

SAC once again restrains tax administrators from collecting tax, cost what it may

The Supreme Administrative Court has published a long-awaited judgment in the case of the pharmaceutical company ELI LILLY ČR, s.r.o., which concerned the invoicing of marketing and distribution costs. The company sought to achieve minimum…

SAC refuses right to deduct VAT on acquisition of movable assets after business establishment purchase

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) rejected a cassation complaint filed by a taxpayer in a dispute concerning a refusal of the right to deduct VAT on an acquisition of movable assets followed by a purchase of a business establishment from the…

SAC comments on invoicing services containing tax non-deductible expenses

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) confirmed that tax non-deductible expenses cannot be treated as deductible solely on the grounds that the taxpayer invoiced them plus a profit mark-up to the parent company for the provision of services.

SAC: right to deduct input VAT always to be proved by the taxpayer

In a case involving an entity providing both taxable health services and services exempted from tax without the right to deduct, the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) dealt with proving the link between the right to deduct and a specific output…

SAC yet again stands up for taxpayers

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) has confirmed that a payment to an unpublished bank account does not in itself give rise to the taxable supply recipient’s liability for unpaid VAT. It is always necessary to also prove that the taxpayer knew…