Business with Northern Ireland after Brexit
The European Commission has prepared a draft of changes to the VAT rules applicable to trading with Northern Ireland. The draft has been submitted as part of the preparations for Brexit at the end of this year. The new rules adjust the existing…
Is it possible to correct tax base for claims not lodged in insolvency proceedings?
In Case C-146/19, the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) held that a creditor may adjust the VAT base for a claim not lodged in insolvency proceedings if they prove that the claim would have been irrecoverable even if it had been lodged in…
CJEU: Services associated with both taxable and exempt supplies may not be partially exempt from VAT
In the BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd (C-231/19) case, the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) ruled on whether it is possible to treat a service provided via an IT platform used for both exempt and taxable supplies as a supply exempt from…
Quick fixes: GFD’s information and EC’s amended explanatory notes
The Czech amendment to the VAT Act implementing quick fixes is still waiting for its second reading in the Chamber of Deputies. At the end of January, the General Financial Directorate disclosed information confirming the option of invoking the EU…
Pitfalls of managing transfer prices by means of marketing services
The Municipal Court in Prague confirmed the tax administrator’s approach reclassifying marketing services contracted and provided to abroad to ‘consideration received from a third party’. In the court’s opinion, the services were rendered directly…
CJEU: supply recipient must correct a tax deduction even though the supplier did not correct the tax
The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) has answered the prejudicial questions concerning a Romanian company that corrected a previously claimed VAT deduction for just a part of the supplies received. In this respect, the CJEU held that national tax…
Anti-crisis tax package: reduction of VAT and road tax
The chamber of deputies passed an anti-crisis tax package involving, apart from the long-discussed tax loss carry-back, a reduction of the VAT rate on selected services as well as a reduction of certain road tax rates. The bill is now to be…
Who is liable to pay VAT upon imports – the declarant, or the goods‘ owner?
The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) held that the customs declarant, i.e. the ‘regime holder’ is liable to pay tax upon the import of goods from a non-EU country. In the court’s opinion, by lodging the customs declaration, such an entity…
Existence of a subsidiary not necessarily constituting a VAT fixed establishment
The Court of Justice of the EU held that the mere existence of a subsidiary does not constitute a fixed establishment for VAT purposes, and that third parties are not required to examine contractual relationships between a parent and a subsidiary.
Amendment to VAT for 2021: e-commerce
From 2021, a special mini-one-stop-shop regime will also apply to the sale of goods by mail order. Under the new amendment, such sales will be taxed in the recipient’s country, potentially excepting small businesses. For harmonisation purposes, the…
Posting of workers from a VAT perspective
In practice, companies often do not pay enough attention to the possible implications of posting high-ranking managers to the Czech Republic to manage or supervise another group entity. A number of these arrangements meet the definition of a VAT…
Waiver of VAT on the grounds of an extraordinary event
Value added tax on free delivery of goods and provision of services to selected entities is waived until the end of the state of emergency declared to fight the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus provided that the goods and services serve to stop…