Latest news - December 2018
Last month’s tax and legal news in a few sentences.
2019 amendment to VAT Act: changes to original wording
The 2019 amendment to the VAT Act, discussed in the previous issues of our Tax and Legal Update, has undergone a number of…
2019 VAT Act amendment: Do you issue, distribute or accept vouchers? Will you know how to correctly calculate tax in 2019?
The final part of our VAT news tetralogy focuses on vouchers and related changes in tax calculation methods.
Changes in VAT Act expected in 2019
The Ministry of Finance has submitted a draft amendment to the VAT Act with planned effectiveness from January 2019 for…
Amendment to VAT Act clarifies VAT ledger statement requirements
The Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic passed an amendment to the VAT Act in response to the Constitutional Court’s…
VAT Act amendment lets tax administrators cancel VAT group registrations earlier
The amendment to the VAT Act effective from 1 July 2017 accelerates the process of terminating VAT group registrations. Where…
GFD issues information on the amendment to the VAT Act and instructions on how to complete VAT ledger statements
In connection with the approved amendment to the VAT Act effective from 1 July 2017, the General Financial Directorate (GFD)…
Change in VAT relating to the realisation of security
Already signed by the president, an amendment to the VAT Act introduces a considerable change for banks and other VAT payers…
With tax package approved, GFD preparing draft information on amendment to VAT Act
The chamber of deputies has approved a tax package referred back to the chamber by the senate in its original “chamber” wording. In particular, the senate’s motions to amend VAT on real property were dismissed by deputies. Even though the effective…