Exposing illegal work and disguised agencies labour inspectorate’s main focus
The State Labour Inspection Office carries out almost 20,000 inspections each year. In 2023, there were 19,977, i.e., 1.5 thousand more than in the previous year. The largest number of inspections focused on work safety, but inspections of illegal…
Employers’ information obligation towards Labour Office to be fulfilled electronically only
Following an extensive amendment to the Employment Act, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has presented a new plan for digitisation, with a view to simplify its administration and improve its services. Among other things, this digitisation…
Flexibility amendment to Labour Code headed into comment procedure
A flexibility amendment (flexinovela in Czech) to the Labour Code recently presented by the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs has already been sent to official commenting points. Its main objective is to increase the flexibility of labour…
Employment of foreigners from third countries to undergo further changes
Effective 1 July 2024, the Employment Act will undergo significant changes which will affect foreigners from countries outside the European Union without free access to the labour market. Specifically, processes relating to the reporting of job…
Changes in employment of persons with disabilities underway
The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has submitted a legislative proposal for changes concerning the employment of persons with disabilities. The amendment to the Employment Act contains new conditions for the payment of an allowance to support…
Changes to illegal work definition and agency work conditions
From 1 January 2024, an amendment to the Employment Act will enter into effect, introducing changes in employment and rules for employment agencies. One of the most discussed changes is a new definition of illegal work (a last-minute reintroduction…
Abolition of additional agreed overtime and other labour-law changes in the healthcare sector
The beginning of the year brought new conditions for health professionals. The amendment to the Labour Code mainly responds to widespread protests by healthcare workers against the recent extension of overtime work in their sector, and to other…
Indexation of minimum wage and abolition of vacation scheduling – further changes to Labour Code ahead
One major amendment to the Labour Code has barely entered into force, and the government is already discussing two more amendments. According to the proposal of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the mechanism for increasing the minimum and…
Consolidation package - labour law perspective
The Act on the Consolidation of Public Budgets, or the consolidation package, brings numerous changes in labour law, in particular new obligations for both employers and employees. Major…
Amendment to Labour Code effective: what are the changes?
Except for some provisions, the long-discussed amendment to the Labour Code entered into effect on 1 October 2023. The most significant changes concern workers under agreements to perform work and agreements to complete a job (agreements on work…
Changes to rules for issuing Blue Cards
Effective 1 July 2023, significant changes have been made to the Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals. The amendment primarily implements the EU Blue Card Directive and reflects some operational requirements. Any changes simplifying the…
Major changes to Foreigners’ Residence Act
Apart from implementing the EU Blue Card Directive into Czech law, the amendment to the Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals introduces other fundamental changes from 1 July 2023.