The State pledges to pay half of the rent for entrepreneurs

On Monday, 18 May 2020, the Czech Government approved the COVID – RENT programme. The programme’s aim is to support entrepreneurs who have not been able to pay the rent for their business premises as a result of the COVID-19 emergency measures. The programme is to be launched by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
The programme is primarily targeted at entrepreneurs operating a retail business or providing services to customers on premises leased or subleased before 12 March 2020. Such affected businesses will be able to request support amounting up to CZK 10 million per business, applicable to rents payable from 1 April to 30 June 2020. A key precondition for obtaining the support, covering 50% of the rent, is that the landlord lowers the price of the rent by 30%. The tenant will then have to pay the remaining 20% of the original price. For the time being, the Government has allocated CZK 5 billion for the COVID - RENT programme, and this amount may be further increased.