Tax & Legal Update

CJEU on gifts provided with magazine subscription

The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled in the case of a Portuguese publisher that gifts provided with a magazine subscription constitute an ancillary supply accompanying the main supply. The gift must thus follow the tax treatment of…

SAC comments on VAT deduction on anti-radar and GPS logbooks

The Supreme Administrative Court upheld the tax administrator's opinion and disallowed the VAT deduction on the purchase of anti-radar equipment, as it was not used for economic activity and did not protect the taxpayer's property. The SAC also…

New developments in investment incentive legislation

The senate has approved an amendment to the Investment Incentives Act that should simplify and speed up the investment incentive approval process. A related government decree that changes the permissible level of public aid in the regions of…

SAC: transfer of technical improvement after lease end regarded as service from VAT…

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) ruled on the question whether the transfer of technical improvements (carried out by a lessee at their own expense) to the lessor for compensation at the termination of the lease constitutes a service from the…

Consolidation package - labour law perspective

The Act on the Consolidation of Public Budgets, or the consolidation package, brings numerous changes in labour law, in particular new obligations for both employers and employees. Major changes concern agreements to perform work outside employment.…

Support for digitisation available until mid-February

Small and medium-sized enterprises can apply for support for digitalisation within the Call I Digital Enterprise - Technology 4.0 programme announced under the Operational Programme Technology and Applications for Competitiveness.

Indexation of minimum wage and abolition of vacation scheduling – further changes to…

One major amendment to the Labour Code has barely entered into force, and the government is already discussing two more amendments. According to the proposal of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the mechanism for increasing the minimum and…

Consolidation package: detailed overview of changes

The Parliament approved the The Act on the Consolidation of Public Budgets. Most of the provisions are proposed to come into effect on 1 January 2024. Below we summarise the planned changes in tax and related areas.

Proposed changes in taxation of employee stock option plans

If you intend to provide employees with a benefit in form of an employee option or a share in a business corporation (most often by transferring shares as part of employee stock option plans), you will be interested in the currently discussed…

Proving R&D allowances will be easier

The chamber of deputies has discussed amendments to laws in connection with the development of the financial market. In the second reading, the coalition submitted a proposal to amend the Income Tax Act with the aim to simplify proving R&D…

Overview of subsidy programmes for 2024

Many new subsidy opportunities will be available in 2024. For example, large companies will be able to obtain support for research and development activities, photovoltaic power plants, or production decarbonisation. Here is an overview of selected…

News in Brief, November 2023

Last month’s tax and legal news in a few sentences.