Tax & Legal Update

Technical amendment to Act on Investment Companies and Investment Funds

At the beginning of August, the Ministry of Finance submitted to the government a draft amendment to the Act on Investment Companies and Investment Funds. The ministry thus responds to the requirements of capital market participants (changes…

Abuse of rights in real estate leases and VAT

The Municipal Court in Prague ruled on the distinction between leases of real estate and accommodation services, and its implications for VAT treatment. The court concluded that the case in question involved an abuse of rights.

New class action act – what will it look like?

The bill on collective proceedings is heading to the chamber of deputies. This is the umpteenth attempt to comply with the requirements of the EU directive on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers, which…

Single environmental opinion: small step towards more straightforward construction…

The permitting of projects under environmental regulations will soon be easier, which may also accelerate construction proceedings. These changes will come about through a single environmental opinion (jednotné enviromentální stanovisko, or JES).

DSA not just for big players

From 25 August 2023, large companies such as Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn must comply with new rules for handling illegal content and using targeted advertising. The rules are part of the EU's Digital Services Regulation known as the Digital…

GDPR: personal data can again flow freely from EU to US

In July, the European Commission adopted a key decision establishing the EU-US Data Privacy Framework. Its main aim is to ensure that personal data flowing into the US are protected in a way that is comparable to that guaranteed by EU countries. The…

CJEU issues another judgment on fixed establishments for VAT purposes

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has held that where a customer receives services based on an exclusive contract for the provision of services in a state other than the state in which their business is located, the resources of the…

Subsidies for large enterprises: what to expect

So far, 2023 has not been as rich in subsidy programmes for large enterprises as previous years. By the end of the year, however, several interesting calls also available to large enterprises will be announced. Below is an overview.

How to receive a grant to build research and innovation infrastructure?

Are you planning to build development infrastructure that can be shared with other businesses or universities? Then you may be interested in Call I of the Infrastructure Services programme under the OP TAC announced by the Ministry of Industry and…

GFD extends range of goods donations subject to VAT on minimum value

The General Financial Directorate (GFD) has issued its long-awaited Information on the Application of VAT on Gratuitous Supplies of Goods. It will now be possible to donate perishable food and non-food goods with a minimum expiry date under more…

Czech Republic opening up to digital nomads

On 1 July 2023, the government launched Digital Nomad, its new economic migration programme. The programme is intended to facilitate the stay of IT professionals and their family members from selected countries in the Czech Republic.

How long can tax administrators review the correctness of declared tax?

Imagine this scenario: The tax authority found certain discrepancies in your tax return. There is a risk that the asserted tax could be increased. But the inspection is dragging on for years with no end in sight. How long can the tax authority…