Tax & Legal Update

pCbCR: administrative burden or shift towards tax transparency?

Public country-by-country reporting is another of a range of obligations aimed at increasing transparency in the taxation of multinational companies and preventing profit shifting to countries with lower tax rates. Selected multinational companies…

VAT on sale of building land to related party

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) dealt with a dispute over the tax liability arising from the sale of land between a company and its sole owner and director/statutory representative. The company regarded the sale as an exempt transaction. The…

EU deforestation regulation to significantly affect imports and exports

The EU regulation introducing stricter rules for the import and export of coffee, palm oil, wood or rubber will start to apply on 30 December 2024. It is therefore high time for companies to prepare for the new obligations.

Flood aid: overview of available tax relief

In response to the widespread flooding, the Czech Financial Administration and the Czech Social Security Administration have issued several notices for citizens and companies, offering tax payment deferment, penalty waivers, and tax relief. Read to…

R&D subsidies in the energy sector

On 5 September 2024, the acceptance of applications started under the second call to participate in the THÉTA 2 programme managed by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. The programme offers support for applied research and innovation…

Can subsidiaries deduct VAT on supplies received by parent?

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) recently dealt with a complaint by a subsidiary regarding the right to deduct input VAT on an invoice received. The transaction involved advisory services provided by a parent company's financial advisor. They…

Taxpayers entitled to interest on interest

The possibility of charging interest on outstanding interest in tax disputes was subject to several conditions formulated mainly in the Supreme Administrative Court's judgment in the ERAMENT Trading case. However, the recent Constitutional Court’s…

Government approves amendment to Tax Procedure Code and deletes problematic proposals

At the end of August, the government approved a comprehensive amendment concerning tax and customs administration, which also changes the related procedural rules in the Tax Procedure Code. Based on comments from the Chamber of Tax Advisors, the…

Government approves draft amendment to Act on Top-Up Taxes: 15 key changes

Among the most important changes are adjustments to the conditions and deadlines for filing top-up tax information returns and top-up tax returns, a simplification of the obligation to file top-up tax information returns, and adjustments aimed at…

Overview of current and expected subsidy programmes

In our overview, we focus on selected programmes and calls under the Operational Programme Technology and Applications for Competitiveness, as well as on calls under the Modernisation Fund and programmes of the Technology Agency of the Czech…

Preliminary question for CJEU: is minimum technical equipment overhead cost?

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) referred to the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) the preliminary question whether the minimum technical equipment (in this case, defibrillators purchased by a hospital) can be considered general (overhead)…

VAT perspective on e-invoicing in EU

The digitisation of the tax agenda and the related introduction of electronic invoicing (in the form of e-invoicing) is becoming increasingly relevant. During its EU presidency, Belgium pushed forward negotiations with other member states and…