Tax & Legal Update

Assessment of creditworthiness and its examination by courts according to CJEU

According to the judgement of the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU), Czech laws imposing the obligation to invoke the nullity of a credit agreement on the grounds of an insufficient assessment of creditworthiness solely on the consumer are…

Applications accepted for guaranteed loans under COVID II programme

Applications for COVID II guaranteed loans are being accepted since Thursday, 2 April 2020. More detailed information on how to apply for this aid has also been published.

Loan guarantees for large enterprises – COVID plus guarantee programme

In cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation (EGAP), the Ministry of Finance is preparing a programme to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus crisis on large export firms and…

Lex COVID – special measures concerning legal persons

The declaration of emergency, closures of borders and related measures can make it impossible for some business corporations to hold meetings of their bodies, unless such situations have been envisaged in their memorandum of association. However,…

Lex COVID – crisis measures in insolvency law

The government has approved a draft bill introducing, among other things, special measures to mitigate the insolvency law-related effects of the coronavirus pandemic. The objective of these measures is to avert the risks of mass insolvencies and to…

Submission of applications under the Antivirus Programme

The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MLSA) updated its Antivirus Programme manual for employers. It describes in more detail the criteria for the entitlement of employers to aid through compensation of some wage expenses to employers.

Compensation bonus for the self-employed and notice on exempted income

The government has approved a bill on a compensation bonus payable to self-employed people in connection with emergency coronavirus measures. The bill has yet to be enacted by the Parliament and signed by the President. This, however, can be…

Updated Antivirus Programme

The government approved changes to the Antivirus Programme on 31 March 2020. The originally proposed and published five types of support for employers from the Labour Office were eventually merged into two – regimes A and B.

Repayment of loans at the time of the pandemic

The Chamber of Deputies will discuss certain measures related to repayment of loans during the COVID-19 pandemic. The relevant bill postpones repayment of both business and consumer loans generally until 31 October 2020.

Tax liberation packages – practical recommendations

Keeping track of all tax-related measures published so far in connection with the coronavirus pandemic might be quite difficult. To help, below we are providing you with practical recommendations sorted by individual tax areas.

State compensation of damage caused by pandemic

From a legal perspective, the state’s response to the coronavirus pandemic can be described in several significant milestones: (1) declaration of state of emergency by government; (2) adoption of emergency measures by government; and (3) replacement…

COVID 19-related support for businesses

The government has announced another wave of support provided to businesses and the self-employed hit by the coronavirus outbreak. The COVID II programme aims to support operational financing. The COVID 19 Technology programme and the new Czech Rise…