
Municipal Court holds protective measure contrary to law - rules for returning from…

On Wednesday 31 March, the Municipal Court in Prague annulled part of the protective measure regulating the crossing of state borders, on the grounds of it being contrary to law, effective 5 April. The Ministry of Health responded on Saturday by…

New arrival rules for the Czech Republic

Since 1 March, a new protective measure of the Ministry of Health has been in effect, yet again tightening the rules for arrival from abroad and changing the existing ‘traffic light’ system (Semafor). For the purposes of this measure, foreign…

Act on Registration of Beneficial Owners: six month to update data

The new Act on the Registration of Beneficial Owners has been published in the Collection of Laws and will enter into effect on 1 June 2021. All business corporations must update the data recorded in the beneficial owners' register within six months…

New Foreign Investment Screening Act

On 1 May 2021, the new Foreign Investment Screening Act will enter into effect, introducing tools to review direct investments from third countries for their implications for the Czech Republic’s security and internal order. The act may hinder the…

Obligatory testing of employees

On 1 March 2021, the Ministry of Health issued an extraordinary measure, ordering the obligatory testing of employees at companies. The measure is effective from 3 March 2021 until further notice.

One step closer to interconnecting commercial registers within EU

The harmonisation of EU law regarding the use of digital tools and processes in corporate law has taken on a concrete form: an amendment to the Act on Public Registers, implementing a part of the changes prescribed by the EU directive into Czech law…

Changes to Qualified Employee relocation programme

As of 1 January 2021, both the minimum wage and the lowest guaranteed wage level have increased. This affects, among other things, one of the programmes for the economic migration of foreigners – the Qualified Employee programme. And this is not the…

Compensation for work accidents in light of amendment to Labour Code

Effective 1 January 2021, an amendment to the Labour Code changed the rules of compensation for accidents at work and occupational diseases, introducing a one-time compensation to close persons for non-material damage in the event of particularly…

What will 2021 bring for employers in terms of labour and foreigners’ law?

For employers, the past year has been one of the most turbulent in modern Czech history in terms of the number of legislative changes adopted. New regulations relating to the coronavirus pandemic were being adopted non-stop, and literally amended on…

Losing Antivirus contributions owing to formal errors

The Antivirus Programme is considered one of the most successful and best performing support programmes that the government introduced during the pandemic. According to statistics published by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs at the end of…

The Office for Personal Data Protection advises data controllers on personal data…

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has introduced a new obligation for data controllers: to carry out a data protection impact assessment (DPIA). The obligation concerns the processing of data that involves a high risk of impacting the…

Old/new programmes to support employers at the time of the pandemic

At the turn of December and January, the government approved a series of compensatory measures with a total value of CZK 10 billion. Some compensatory measures are brand new; other represent only extensions of existing ones. Below we summarise those…