
Online fraud or: “misfortune a mouse click away”

Increasingly often, we’ve come across cases where clients have fallen victim to sophisticated online fraud. Since virtually anyone can potentially become a victim of social engineering, let this article be a warning of this dangerous phenomenon.

Ministry of the Interior’s operations limited during pandemic

As the pandemic develops, the functioning of some departments of the Ministry of the Interior, namely the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy (OAMP) and the Department of the Foreigners’ Police, has been changed. Until now, only clients with…

Travellers’ Traffic Light (Semafor) changing colours

On 9 November 2020, the Czech Ministry of Health disclosed a measure regulating the rules for foreign nationals arriving and staying in the Czech Republic. Countries are divided into three groups according to the level of risk of infection and are…

Antivirus A Plus – improved support for closed businesses

On 14 October 2020, the government extended Regime A of the Antivirus programme until the end of the year, and at the same time launched Regime A Plus with retroactive effect from October 1. The new regime offers significantly more favourable…

Second wave of emergency carer’s allowance

As in the spring, the government has responded to the second wave of the pandemic by taking steps to financially support both employers and employees, as well as the self-employed. Among other things, the measures adopted include an ‘emergency’…

Changes in occupational health services during state of emergency

The government has adopted an emergency measure on periodic and other health checks. As in the spring, the measure introduces the possibility to use (in specified cases) affidavits instead of initial health checks, or not to perform periodic health…

Record-breaking spam penalty

In August of this year, the Office for Personal Data Protection (the Office) imposed the highest fine to date for the repeated unsolicited sending of commercial communications (spam). The company selling second hand cars paid CZK 6 million.

DORA to enhance cyber resilience of financial institutions

The European Commission has released a proposal for the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), laying down the requirements for the information and communication technology (ICT) security of financial institutions. Banks, stock exchanges,…

More generous Regime A of Antivirus to continue until year end

On 14 October 2020, the government approved the extension of Regime A of the Antivirus programme until the end of this year. Effective from 1 October, for employers under forced restrictions of operations this type of support will be distinctly more…

AML changes about to be finalised

Although the deadline for the implementation of the fourth and fifth AML Directives has already expired, the Czech Republic has not yet adopted adequate implementing regulations and is now facing infringement proceedings from the European Commission…

How to prepare for the amendment to the Corporations Act

On 1 January 2021, an amendment to the Corporations Act will enter into effect, bringing a number of changes to corporate law. Most of the mandatory provisions of the amended law will be enforced against provisions of founding documents that are in…

Impact of health ministry’s protective measures on travel and employment in the CR

Since 5 October 2020, a new protective measure of the Ministry of Health has been in effect, aiming to slow down the spread of COVID-19 in the country. The measure restricts the crossing of borders by both Czech citizens and foreigners, and is…