
The government has decided: Antivirus A and B to continue until the end of October

On 24 August 2020, the government approved the extension of the present regimes A and B of the Antivirus programme until 31 October 2020; originally, both were supposed to end at the end of August. Regime C, comprising the waiver of social security…

The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has presented ‘kurzarbeit’

At the end of August, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs published a draft amendment to the Employment Act introducing into Czech law the long-awaited support during partial unemployment, commonly called ‘kurzarbeit’. Kurzarbeit is to replace…

Adaptation/integration courses for foreigners in the CR

The adaptation and integration of foreigners has been a hot topic worldwide. The first element of foreigner integration was introduced to Czech legislation already in 2009 in the form of a Czech language exam as a precondition for certain types of…

Banks not liable to accept deposits?

Significant conceptual changes to the Act on Banks and the Act on Capital Market Undertakings are expected to enter into effect in mid-2021. The regulation of supervision over groups of investment companies (securities brokers) will be transferred…

EU citizen’s temporary residence certificate – lessons learned from COVID-19

The free movement of persons is one of the essential principles for the functioning of European integration, without which we no longer can imagine our work and private lives. Most of us use this freedom just for tourism or short-term work purposes.…

Rules for employing foreigners changed again in July

In step with the epidemiologic situation both in the Czech Republic and worldwide, the Ministry of Health continues to regularly update protective measures regulating the entry of foreign nationals into the Czech Republic. Two new protective…

End of July brings revolution in posting of workers

A package of significant changes to the posting of workers from abroad entered into effect on 30 July 2020 as part of an amendment to the Labour Code. This package adapts Czech legislation to comply with an amendment to the EU Directive on the…

Privacy Shield invalidated; standard contractual clauses remain valid

The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) invalidated the Privacy Shield, based on which it was possible to transfer personal data to the USA, and left standard contractual clauses in effect with certain exceptions. The question is whether personal data…

Labour-law earthquake to hit for the first time in June

The years of effort to adopt an extensive amendment to the Labour Code have finally borne fruit: the governmental bill has passed through the legislative process and was promulgated in the Collection of Laws under No. 285/2020, with the effective…

Modernisation of consumer rules

A new EU directive revises the consumer right rules that must now be transposed into the legislations of the individual member states. The duties of traders towards consumers have been extended, as have the sanctions for their violations.

How did the Labour Inspection Office sanction employers in 2019?

The State Labour Inspection Office (SLIO) has published its inspection report for 2019. What were the outcomes of its inspections focusing on agency employment, illegal employment, concealed employment mediation and employee monitoring?

Planned changes to Act on Residence of Foreign Nationals for 2021

The government has proposed changes to the Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals as part of an amendment responding to a new bill on identity cards deriving from a new EU regulation on strengthening the security of identity cards of EU citizens…