Transport 2030 programme to support research and innovation in transportation

The government has approved a programme to support applied research and innovation in transport. The estimated budget of CZK 1.95 billion will be distributed via four calls over eight years.
Building on existing support, the programme is intended for businesses of all sizes. Through outputs from projects receiving support, the programme aims to develop the transport sector and all types of transport with regard to the needs of society to improve the technological and knowledge development of the Czech Republic.
The programme’s specific objectives:
- sustainable, accessible, and safe transport
- automation, digitisation, and technologically advanced transport
- low-emission and environmental-friendly transport.
The programme will be implemented by the Technology Agency of the CR. The specific topics of calls and priority support areas will be determined based on the current needs of the transport sector, to be decided by the Ministry of Transport. Projects carried out in Prague will also be eligible for support.
The planned budget of CZK 1.95 billion will be distributed via four planned calls, with support starting in 2024, 2025, 2026, and 2027. The first call for support in 2024 will be announced next year. It is expected that at least 30 projects will receive support under each call, with maximum aid of CZK 50 million per project. Projects are expected to be carried out over a period of 36 months, with a maximum duration of 48 months. Also, projects may not take longer than the programme itself. The aid intensity will depend on the size of an enterprise and the category of supported activity.
Eligible expenses under this programme are understood to be:
- personnel expenses of researchers, technicians, and other support staff to the extent necessary for the purposes of the project
- the cost of tools and equipment to the extent and for the duration of their use for the purposes of the project
- the cost of contract research, technical expertise, and patents
- additional indirect and other operating expenses.