New call under TREND to support research and development

On 23 November 2022, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) announced the 9th call under the TREND programme, sub-programme 2. Support is available for projects aimed at launching research and development activities by entities that have not yet carried out any of their own activities in this field.
The call aims to support research and development with results to be applied in an entity’s own business activities. Applications can be submitted by businesses that have not received direct or indirect state aid for research and development amounting to more than CZK 1 million in the last five years. The applicant must also be working on the project in cooperation with at least one research organisation. Applications will be accepted from 24 November 2022 to 11 January 2023. The lead applicant may submit only one project proposal.
The funds for allocation amount to CZK 200 million, with the maximum subsidy per project of CZK 15 million. The aid intensity for large businesses ranges between 25-65% of eligible costs, depending on whether the applicant will carry out industrial research or experimental development. Eligible costs may include personnel costs, subcontracting costs, other direct costs, or indirect costs. The project must not take more than 48 months and must be completed by September 2023 at the latest.
The project must include at least one main output/result, which may be an industrial design, a utility model, a prototype, a functional sample, software, a pilot process, or a proven technology.
If you are interested in applying for support, we will be happy to check whether your activities comply with the terms and conditions of the call.