Support for digitisation available until mid-February

Small and medium-sized enterprises can apply for support for digitalisation within the Call I Digital Enterprise - Technology 4.0 programme announced under the Operational Programme Technology and Applications for Competitiveness.
The call aims to support the enhancement of digital excellence and accelerate the digital transformation of enterprises by supporting investments in line with Industry 4.0 principles. Applications for support can be submitted until 15 February 2024.
Total eligible costs are limited to CZK 50 million per project. The public aid intensity for medium-sized enterprises ranges from 30% to 50% depending on the region in which the project takes place. The highest support is available in the North-West region, while the lowest support is available in the Central Bohemian, South-West and South-East regions. A medium-sized enterprise can therefore receive a subsidy of up to CZK 25 million.
Support can be received for costs incurred for tangible fixed assets, intangible fixed assets, and services. In practice, it is therefore possible to support the acquisition of new machinery, technological equipment and facilities, software solutions, and IT infrastructure.
Projects can be implemented throughout the Czech Republic except Prague. The applicant may submit only one application for support.