Paying with stamps soon to end

Apart from the much-discussed tax changes, the consolidation package has also brought one less mentioned but nonetheless significant innovation: the abolition of the payment of fees by stamps. How to prepare for this, and what to do with any unused stamps?
Stamps are used to pay administrative or court fees. They are issued in nominal values of CZK 1 to CZK 1,000 and distinguishable by colour. Since 1 January 2024, they are being phased out due to their obsolescence and distribution cost.
Continued sale of stamps
Although from the beginning of this year, new stamps are no longer being put into circulation, stamps from previous years are still being sold – at post offices, courts and other points of sale. This means that you can still buy them and pay administrative or court fees with them. This transitional period will last until the end of 2024.
From the beginning of 2025, it will no longer be possible to buy stamps or pay administrative or court fees with them.
Unused stamps
In the course of 2024, you can return unused stamps and get a refund. A list of authorised branches for returning the stamps has been published on the Czech Post website. The redeeming fee for stamps is 5% of their nominal value. Their redemption must be requested in writing, and proof of identity must be presented at the branch. The stamps must not be damaged in any way and must consist of both parts. As of 1 January 2025, stamps will cease to be tokens of value. Having no real value, it will therefore no longer be possible to exchange them for money.
How to pay fees without stamps?
From 2025, administrative and court fees will only be paid in cash or by bank transfer to the relevant authority’s or court’s account. Even now, these methods of payment are in effect the only ones possible for payments above CZK 5,000.