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Subsidies for installation of photovoltaics now available

Under the auspices of the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of the Environment announced the long-awaited calls to apply for support of photovoltaic power plants from the Modernisation Fund. Two calls have been prepared for business entities including large enterprises.

RES+ No. 1/2024 call

The call intends to provide support for the installation of photovoltaic power plants (PV plants) with a capacity from 50 kWp (in Prague from 10 kWp) up to 5 MWp. The generated electricity should be consumed by the entity applying for the support. Applications for support will be accepted from 1 March 2024 to 31 October 2024. Funds for allocation amount to CZK 3 billion, of which CZK 0.5 billion will preferentially be allocated for projects implemented in the Karlovy Vary, Moravian-Silesian, and Ústí nad Labem regions. Projects must be carried out within three years from the issuance date of the decision to grant the subsidy.

RES+ No. 2/2024 call

The second call focuses on the installation of PV plants with a capacity of more than 1 MWp. Here, the generated electricity does not have to be consumed by the entity applying for the support. In addition to stand-alone PV projects with a single point of connection to the distribution/transmission grid, it will also be possible to support bundled PV projects involving several sub-projects with multiple connection points. Applications for support will be accepted from 15 May 2024 to 10 September 2024. Funds for allocation amount to CZK 4 billion. Projects must be implemented within five years from the grant decision’s issuance date.

Both calls are open to existing and future holders of electricity generation licences. In general, aid intensity has been limited to 50% of eligible costs. The calls also limit the maximum subsidy amount to 30% of eligible costs in accordance with Article 41 GBER. In addition to the installation of the PV plant itself, support will also be granted for battery storage systems and electrolysers. Projects can be implemented throughout the entire territory of the Czech Republic.