Applications for photovoltaic power plant subsidies now accepted

Since 1 March 2024, it has been possible to apply for support for the installation of photovoltaic power plants (PV plants) under the RES+ No. 1/2024 - Photovoltaic Power Plants 10 kW - 5 MW for Self-Consumption call announced under the Modernisation Fund administered by the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic (SEF).
Applications for support will be accepted until 31 October 2024. Funds for allocation amount to CZK 3 billion (of which CZK 0.5 billion shall preferentially be allocated for the Karlovy Vary, Moravian-Silesian and Ústí nad Labem regions). Support is available to existing or future holders of a licence for electricity production without any company size limitation. The licence will only be processed once the PV plant is completed and in operation. The licence will be granted by the Energy Regulatory Office, and its processing should not represent a major administrative hurdle.
Support can be obtained for the installation of PV power plants with a capacity from 50 kWp (in Prague from 10 kWp, but only by municipalities, regions, state enterprises, etc.) up to 5 MWp with primary self-consumption of the generated electricity. At the same time, support can also be obtained for battery storage systems and electrolysers. The reserved capacity of a PV plant may amount to a maximum of 30% of the installed capacity for PV plants with a capacity of up to 1 MWp and a maximum of 20% of the installed capacity for PV plants with a capacity of more than 1 MWp.
The maximum aid amount is limited to 30% of eligible costs and is dependent on the installed capacity of the PV plant. To calculate the aid amount, an interactive tool disclosed on the SEF’s website may be used. Under the updated wording of the call, eligible costs may also include costs incurred after the date the call was announced.
Other documents must also be submitted along with applications for support, such as a building permit with legal force on the date of submission of the application for support. For this reason, it is essential to start working on the project as soon as possible. The processing of a contract for the connection of the PV plant to the grid or a contract to conclude a future contract for the connection to the grid may also be time-consuming.
Projects must be implemented within three years from the date of the decision on granting the subsidy and can be carried out throughout the Czech Republic.
If you are interested, we will be happy to help you prepare your application.