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Register of representations – revolution in registration of powers of attorney

The government's amendment to the Basic Registers Act brings a significant change in the registration of legal representation. It will now be possible to choose between the traditional paper form, and the modern electronic form of power of attorney. A key part of the new legislation is the introduction of the register of representations: a centralised information system for the registration of digital powers of attorney to which the authorities will have access. The law has already been signed by the president.

Easier representation

The launch of the representation register, planned for later this year, will open up the possibility of digital legal representation. Individuals and legal entities will no longer have to submit printed and signed powers of attorney in person. It will be sufficient to enter their data via the Public Administration Portal and verify their identity using a citizen’s digital identity. Registration with assistance will also be possible through CzechPoint. The register will contain pre-completed templates for various types of (statutory and contractual) representation authorisations, which will facilitate the process of issuing and managing powers of attorney. These powers of attorney can be used, e.g., when filing tax returns or handling mail for other persons.

Increased legal certainty

Powers of attorney entered in the register will remain valid until revoked or expired. Unlike the paper version, electronic powers of attorney will terminate automatically upon revocation, thus increasing legal certainty. The authorities themselves will verify the existence and validity of the power to represent.

Use of the register

The government expects the new register, which should also support substitute powers of attorney, to be used both by citizens and businesses. The register will be managed by the Digital and Information Agency. The first authority to be involved will be the Ministry of Transport, which hopes to facilitate transfers of vehicle ownerships.