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Subsidies for energy saving measures

On 10 May 2024, the Ministry of Industry and Trade announced the second call under the Energy Savings Programme (OP TAC). The call supports activities consisting in energy savings in enterprises, including the reduction of energy consumption of real property. It is also intended for large enterprises.

Applications will be accepted from 24 May 2024 to 31 October 2025. The funds for allocation under the call amount to CZK 5 billion; this may be topped-up if there is an excess of quality projects. The following activities are eligible for support under the call:

  • Reducing the energy consumption of business buildings in combination with e.g., heating or cooling from renewable sources, installation of equipment for energy storage, building digitisations, investments in green roofs, etc.
  • Energy management measures other than renovations of buildings - e.g., use of renewable energy sources and highly efficient combined heat and power (CHP) generation from solid biomass, biogas and biomethane, modernisation of electricity, heat, cooling and compressed air distribution systems, use of waste energy, and reduction of energy intensity or increase of energy efficiency of production and technological processes.

The calculation of eligible costs in particular includes costs incurred for tangible and intangible fixed assets, engineering, energy assessment, project documentation and the organisation of tenders. The amount of eligible costs is limited to CZK 2 billion.

The maximum amount of the subsidy is EUR 30 million. The aid intensity depends on the size of the enterprise applying for support, the region in which the project is to be implemented, and the specific activities to be supported by the grant. For large enterprises, the aid intensity varies between 30% and 60% of eligible costs, depending on the above criteria.

It is also possible to provide support for costs of energy assessments, project documentation, and the organisation of de minimis tenders. At the same time, the call allows to apply for support for the implementation of the project, in which case the aid intensity is set at 50% of eligible costs (but within the de minimis support limits).

Projects can be implemented throughout the Czech Republic except Prague and must be physically completed by 31 October 2026. There is no limit to the number of applications for support per applicant.

If you are interested in applying for this type of support, we will be happy to check whether your activities comply with the terms of the call.