Last call to participate in Employment Operational Programme: support for employee education
On 15 March 2019, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs announced a new call to participate in a programme supporting the professional education of employees relating to IT, languages, soft skills, and professional skills. This call is likely to be the last one in this area. Aid can be obtained by all businesses in the entire Czech Republic, including Prague; the only geographical restriction is that the training itself may not be carried out in the capital. Applications will be accepted until 15 May 2019.
Support will be provided in respect of the following areas:
- general IT
- soft and management skills
- languages
- specialised IT
- accounting, economic and legal training
- technical and other professional education
- internal lectureships (expenses for internal lectureships may not exceed 20% of a project’s total eligible expenses).
Expenses incurred for educational courses organised to meet binding domestic regulations such as fire protection, first aid or driver’s training and other similar training are not eligible for support.
The level of aid provided to large businesses may amount to up to 50–85% of eligible expenses, depending on the regime in which public aid will be drawn. A project’s eligible expenses have to be at least CZK 500 thousand but not more than CZK 10 million.
To evaluate whether the call is suitable for your company, it is crucial to assess the following criteria (including the maximum potential for scoring points):
- share of participants in the total number of employees (25 points)
- share of participants older than 54 years in the total number of participants (25 points)
- applicant’s registered office in a structurally affected region (10 points)
- these regions include the Ústí nad Labem, Moravia-Silesia and the Karlovy Vary regions
- relationship between the total number of participants and a project’s total eligible expenses (40 points).
A number of other parameters and conditions have been set as well. We will be happy to provide you with more detailed information or to review the eligibility of your company’s programme. We can also help you prepare a project application.