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OPEIC: Last wave of calls includes large entities

The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT) has published an updated schedule of calls to participate in the Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness Operational Programme (OPEIC) for 2020. These will be the last calls within the current programme period, and a wide selection of subsidy programmes can be expected. The calls also aim at large businesses, and the most interesting ones among them are the Potential, Application, Innovation, Low-Carbon Technology and Energy Savings Programmes.

Research, development and innovation in production

The call to participate in the Potential Programme supporting the foundation or development of research and development centres should be announced on 21 August 2020, with total funds for allocation of CZK 1 billion. Applications will be accepted from 4 September to 23 November 2020.

The Application Programme supports operating expenses incurred for industrial research and experimental development solutions. The call to participate in the programme is expected to be announced on 1 September 2020 and should allocate CZK 2.5 billion. Applications will be accepted from 14 September to 15 December 2020.

The Innovation Programme targeting innovation activities in production following a completed research and development project offers CZK 2.5 billion for allocation, and the call will be announced on 29 September 2020. Applications will be accepted from 15 October 2020 to 29 January 2021.

Large businesses intending to participate in the OPEIC programmes must again meet the following intervention code criteria:

  • Intervention Code 065 – projects must have a significant positive effect on the environment, focusing on low-carbon economy and resilience against climate change.
  • Intervention Code 063 – large businesses must directly cooperate with small and medium-size businesses on specific research and development projects.

To apply for support from the Potential Programme, large businesses must fulfil at least one of the above criteria. With respect to the Innovation Programme, large businesses cannot choose among the criteria but must meet Intervention Code 065. Contrariwise, within the Application Programme, so far it has been possible to file an application without having to prove that the intervention code criteria have been met (claiming a lower maximum subsidy per project) and the current schedule meanwhile confirms the same. 

On 29 April 2020 and in addition to support for research and development under the Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness Operational Programme, a call to participate in the TREND Programme (sub-programme 1 – Technological Leaders) will be announced by the Czech Technology Agency, targeting industrial research and experimental development, in particular operating expenses (personnel expenses, rent, energy, etc.).

Energy Savings and Low-Carbon Technology

Other calls within OPEIC should be announced during the course of 2020. These should focus on energy-saving measures and include calls under the Low-Carbon Technology Programme. The latter should be announced in September and target Electromobility, Energy Accumulation, and Secondary Raw Materials. Applications for support can be submitted from 11 (or 14) September to 25 November (or 21 December) 2020.

Another interesting programme under OPEIC also available for large businesses is the Energy Savings Programme focusing on the reduction of energy consumption in companies (e.g. through building insulation, lighting replacement, energy measurement and regulation systems, etc.). Applications for this type of support can currently be submitted until 29 May 2020. However, another call with funds for allocation of CZK 2 billion might also be announced, depending on the amount of unallocated funds.

More detailed information about applicable criterial for individual calls will be available once the calls are announced.

The MIT is currently assessing the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the current schedule of calls and is considering the setting of further criteria, postponing the deadlines and potentially reallocating some funds from the European operational programmes. Therefore, it cannot be excluded that the above criteria and other parameters will change.

In addition to funds from subsidy programmes, the government also offers other forms of support for businesses. We are closely monitoring the situation. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.