What’s new in COVID-19 subsidy programmes

We are presenting new information on grant programmes aiming to support activities connected with fighting COVID-19.
COVID-19 Innovation Vouchers programme
On 16 April 2020 the Ministry of Industry and Trade announced a call to participate in the COVID-19 Innovation Vouchers scheme. Applications are being accepted from 17 April until 31 December 2020. The call aims to support the development of communication and the sharing of knowledge and know-how between the business and research spheres to fight the coronavirus pandemic. The call is only open to small and medium-sized businesses, except for those based in Prague.
The support limit is up to 85% or 50% of a project’s eligible costs, while the 50% limit will apply to projects with eligible costs between CZK 500 thousand and CZK 1,999,999. One applicant may apply for support for up to three projects. The planned allocation is CZK 50 million. More information is provided further in this article.
COVID-19 Technology programme
A call under the COVID-19 Technology programme was announced on 15 April 2020. Applications for support will be accepted from 10 am on 27 April 2020 to 10 am on 29 May 2020.
Eligible costs include investments in tangible fixed assets to produce materials, technologies and products comprising medical supplies, personal protection devices, or means for the liquidation of infectious waste to fight the further spreading of coronavirus. The supplies whose production is to be supported are listed in Annex No. 3 to the call (these include, for instance, respirators, surgical gloves, protective suits and goggles, single-use covers and hats).
The call is only open to small and medium-sized businesses, except for those based in Prague; applicants may apply for one project only. Total funds for allocation amount to CZK 300 million; the support will be provided for 50% of the eligible costs, with support per one project ranging from CZK 250 thousand to CZK 20 million.
Increased support for projects under the TRIO programme
For the existing projects under the TRIO programme (a programme supporting industrial research and experimental development aiming to draw upon and further develop potential in the area of key technologies), the Ministry of Industry and Trade decided to allow applications for an increase in support, and for an extension of the scope of existing projects to include also activities focusing on fighting COVID-19 or similar future health threats, mitigating their effects, or improving their prevention. These do not have to be projects concerning medical technology and other medical applications but can also be projects focusing on the development of applied results leading to a reduction of risks arising from infectious diseases for the population.
Applications to extend a project’s scope and increase the volume of support shall be filed by 30 June 2020 at the latest and must contain a clear explanation of the link between the newly proposed activities and the fight against COVID-19 or another health threat. A standard prescribed form for making changes to project applications shall be used.