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Calls to OP EIC attract interest; other calls are to be announced

Below we provide an overview of open calls within the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness (OP EIC) and their current status. A new call within the Infrastructure Services programme has been announced and other calls are yet to be opened.

Programmes that are currently open within the OP EIC are the Application, Innovation and Potential programmes (for more details on these programmes, please see this article). The acceptance of applications is under way. The number of submitted applications in the second half of October was as follows:

  • Application – 22 applications filed, 10% of the planned allocation used up
  • Innovation – 15 applications filed, 27% of the planned allocation used up 
  • Potential – 7 applications filed, 7% of the planned allocation used up.

It is clear from the above that despite a number of restrictive conditions that apply to large businesses, the subsidy programmes have been attracting interest. The largest inflow of applications is generally expected right before the end of the deadline. We recommend filing applications as soon as possible, especially within the Innovation programme, which is a continuous call. 

Call VIII. within the Infrastructure Services programme was announced, focusing on enhancing the intensity of joint research, development and innovation activities between business entities and the public sector. This should involve their cooperation when realising new technologies and competitive products and services. Activities that will receive support include operating or expanding an existing innovative infrastructure or building a new infrastructure. 

Eligible costs shall be costs incurred for fixed assets/capital expenses and selected operating expenses. Applications will be accepted from 30 November 2020 to 1 April 2021. The level of support will be 50–75% of eligible costs, with the subsidy amount ranging between CZK 1 million and CZK 150 million. The level of support and the subsidy amount will depend on the type of activity, the type of recipient and the type of support regime (GBER or de minimis). The call is also partly intended for large businesses.

Within the favoured Energy Savings programme, a new call will be announced, in particular Call VI., targeting also large businesses. The call will be announced on and applications will be accepted from 24 November. More detailed information will be available once the call is announced. Planned funds for allocation are CZK 2 billion. 

The last planned call is a call to participate in the ICT and Shared Services – Digital Enterprise programme. More detailed information regarding this programme should be available once the call is announced. However, right now it is not yet certain whether the call will indeed be announced, depending on the amount of unallocated funds. 

Should you be interested, we will provide you with more detailed information on the programmes or assess the adequacy of the above programmes and other specific criteria for your planned activities.