Modernisation Fund – new environmental support

The Modernisation Fund as a new EU programme for 2021–2030 provides support for investments to modernise energy systems, improve energy efficiency and use renewable resources.
The programme is also open to large businesses. The total amount of funds available for the Czech Republic is approx. CZK 150 billion, accounting for 15.6% of total funds in the Modernisation Fund.
The Modernisation Fund is primarily under the competence of the Ministry of Environment; responsibility for its implementation lies with the State Environmental Fund of the CR. The programme is divided into nine areas eligible for support:
- HEAT – Modernisation of heat supply systems
- RES+ – New renewable resources in energy sector
- ENERG ETS – Improving energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in industry in EU ETS
- ENERG – Improving energy efficiency in business
- TRANSCom – Modernisation of transport in business sector
- TRANSGov – Modernisation of public transport
- ENERGov – Energy efficiency in public buildings and infrastructure
- KOMUENERG – Community energy
- LIGHTPUB – Modernisation of street lighting systems
The first three programmes are already open but only for companies with appropriate certification. Relevant for other entrepreneurs will mainly be calls under the ENERG and TRANSCom programmes, expected to be launched in the second half of 2021. The ENERG programme in 2021–2024 will only be available to businesses with registered offices in Prague; from 2025, support will be granted regardless of location. The TRANSCom programme in 2021–2030 will be available to businesses without limits.