Fifth call under TREND

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) will probably announce the fifth call to participate in the TREND programme, subprogramme 1 – Technology Leaders, only in December 2021. The original September date has been postponed due to the ongoing preparation of the National Recovery Plan.
The call will again be aimed at supporting research, experimental development, and innovation. The Technology Leaders sub-programme is specifically intended for projects focusing on the creation of research and development results and their use in the applicants‘ own business activities. Projects should involve manufacturing, digital, and cyber technology areas, such as advanced manufacturing technologies and materials, microelectronics, artificial intelligence or IT security, etc.
Large enterprises will also be able to submit project proposals, either on their own or in cooperation with other participants. Support will also be available to applicants located in the capital city of Prague. Maximum aid amount is expected to be up to CZK 40 million per project, aid intensity up to 70% of eligible costs, depending on the size of the project and the nature of the development activity. Operating costs will be supported within eligible costs.
The above parameters are preliminary, as the official parameters for the call have not yet been announced. We will keep you informed about further developments.