Class action act heading to senate

The Act on Collective Proceedings has passed its third reading in the chamber of deputies and is awaiting approval by the senate. It transposes an EU directive and aims to ensure better protection<…

Consumer credit: new obligations for providers and new rights for consumers

In October, the EU directive on credit agreements for consumers entered into force, replacing the previous directive from 2008. The need for new consumer credit legislation arose due to rapid technological developments and the ongoing digitisation…

News in consumer protection legislation

The Amendment to the Consumer Protection Act and the Civil Code will bring several important changes aiming to increase the protection<…

CJEU on consumer credit information

In its judgement in case C66/19, the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) held that it was unacceptable for a credit agreement to provide obligatory information merely by referring to a provision of national law that itself refers to other legislative…

Constitutional Court stands up for consumers with decisions on the application of arbitration clauses

The Constitutional Court recently issued two major judgments dealing with consumer credits and arbitration clauses in credit contracts. Both decisions confirmed the recent trend of the entire justice system consistently making an effort to balance…

Latest news - October 2017

Last month’s tax and legal news in a few sentences.