Amendment to VAT Act 2025 in detail – Part III
We present a continuation of the overview of the most important changes contained in the draft amendment to the Value Added Tax Act. As we have already informed our readers, the amendment has gone through the comment procedure, and a version for the…
CJEU: free-of-charge supply of heat subject to VAT
The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) has ruled that the supply of heat free of charge is subject to VAT whether or not the recipient uses it to carry out economic activities. To determine the taxable amount, the cost price must include both direct…
VAT perspective on various options of providing company cars to employees
Providing company cars to employees for their private use is an increasingly common benefit. What are the VAT implications for employers when providing car to employees free of charge? Does the situation change if the cars are provided to employees…
What’s in the revised ViDA proposal?
On 8 May 2024, the European Commission published an updated proposal for the VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) package, to be discussed at the June ECOFIN meeting with the aim to reach an agreement during the Belgian Presidency of the EU Council. The…
Amendment to VAT Act 2025 heads to chamber of deputies
Below, we are bringing you up to date on the amendment to the VAT Act 2025. The draft amendment has already gone through the comment procedure, and the version for the government meeting has been published. It contains several changes after the…
Interest on retained VAT deduction: SAC verdict closes another chapter
In its recent judgment, the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) has ruled that the statutory rate of interest on retained VAT deductions for the 2017 to 2020 period was in line with EU law. This dashed the hopes of many taxpayers who following a…
Fraudulently issued invoices: who pays VAT?
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) commented on who is considered a person liable to pay tax for invoices fraudulently issued by a company’s employee.
Details of 2025 amendment to VAT Act - Part II
Below, we continue with an overview of the most important changes brought by the draft amendment to the Value Added Tax Act, this time focusing on the construction sector, in particular on changes in definitions, alterations in conditions for the…
ViDA - digital reporting and e-invoicing still music of the future
The proposal for a VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) Directive that would modernise and advance the EU’s single VAT system is running behind schedule. The proposal did not move forward during the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU, but in the…
SAC on VAT exemption for intra-community supply
The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) did not recognise the right to VAT exemption for a supply of goods to another EU member state, as there were doubts whether the goods had been supplied to a person registered for tax in another member state,…
Details of 2025 amendment to VAT Act - Part I
The draft amendment to the Value Added Tax Act, currently in the external comment procedure, introduces extensive changes as it transposes EU directives and responds to CJEU rulings and practical experience. Below we present the first part of these…
Amendment to VAT Act to narrow scope of exempt financial activities
The Ministry of Finance is proposing to significantly narrow the scope of financial activities exempt from VAT in a forthcoming amendment to the VAT Act. The aim is to align the Czech VAT Act with the EU Directive and the interpretations of the…