Tax & Legal Update

New EU rules: increased liability of payment service providers

The European Commission has published a proposal for the Directive on Payment Services in the Internal Market (PSD3) and a proposal for the Regulation on Payment Services (PSR). Their aim is to revise current legislation to reflect rapidly changing…

News in health insurance for foreigners

The last amendment to the Foreigners’ Residence Act has brought significant changes. Some of them, such as the abolition of the monopoly of the general health insurance company (VZP) have already taken place. What else has changed, and what will the…

Marketing services from VAT perspective

In its recent judgment, the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) dealt with the question of whether a distribution of pharmaceuticals and marketing services constitute a single supply for VAT purposes.

SAC on proving conscious involvement in tax fraud in chain of supplies

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) has dealt with denying the right to deduct VAT to a company on the grounds of it being knowingly involved in VAT fraud. In its judgment, the court summarised the relevant case law for assessing VAT fraud.

Proposal for transfer pricing directive

The European Commission has published a proposal for a transfer pricing directive to unify procedures for the application of EU transfer pricing rules regarding the definition of related parties and the setting of arm’s length prices.

BEFIT: Another step towards uniform income taxation rules in EU

The European Commission has published its draft BEFIT (Business in Europe: Framework for Income Taxation) directive, which proposes a uniform approach to the taxation of large multinational groups in the EU and is the result of the EC's continuing…

Amendment to Labour Code effective: what are the changes?

Except for some provisions, the long-discussed amendment to the Labour Code entered into effect on 1 October 2023. The most significant changes concern workers under agreements to perform work and agreements to complete a job (agreements on work…

News in Brief, October 2023

Last month’s tax and legal news in a few sentences.

What to watch out for when making an international request for cooperation in tax…

In the course of tax proceedings, the tax administrator may want to obtain evidence beyond the borders of the Czech Republic. One way to proceed is via an international request for cooperation by which the domestic tax administrator asks a foreign…

Liability for employee wage claims in subcontracting chains in construction

Although a major amendment to the Labour Code has only entered into effect recently, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs is already preparing further changes and has submitted to the government a draft amendment introducing the liability of…

Until when can additional tax return for lower tax be filed?

The extended chamber of the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) has ended a long-standing dispute between the financial administration and taxpayers regarding the deadline for filing an additional tax return for lower tax. In doing so, the SAC sided…

SAC’s view on parent company orders

Any influencing of an uncontrolled transaction by a related party, usually a parent company, is regarded by the tax authorities as a parent company’s orders. This may be, e.g., a parent company ordering a subsidiary to sell goods to that…